
Electropuncture, also known as galvanopuncture therapy, is a treatment method that uses electrical current to stimulate biologically active points on the human body. This method of treatment is based on the assumption that biologically active points on the body are associated with certain organs and systems of the body, and stimulation of these points can improve their function and overall health.

Electropuncture therapy involves the use of special electrodes that are placed on biologically active points, and then an electric current is passed through them. This causes a reaction in the body that can lead to improved functioning of organs and systems, as well as a reduction in pain and other symptoms.

The benefits of electropuncture therapy include rapid results, safety and ease of use. However, like any other treatment method, it cannot replace traditional medical treatment and should only be used as a complementary method.

In conclusion, electropuncture therapy is an effective and safe treatment method that can help improve the functioning of the body's organs and systems. However, before you start using this method, you should consult your doctor to make sure that it is suitable for your case.

Electropuncture therapy is a technique based on the principle of acupressure, which involves applying special needles to certain biologically active points of the body. The technique is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncturists without medical education can use this technique. The method was first proposed and introduced into medical practice by academician P. E. Diaghilev in 1975 after successful experiments on stimulating the work of various organs and tissues with electric current pulses (galvano