Electric aspirator

Electric aspirators are devices that help asthma patients cope with difficult moments of breathing. They work on the principle of aspiration - creating traction to extract fluid or other materials from the respiratory tract. In this text we will look at how an electric aspirator works and what advantages it has over traditional methods.

How does an electric aspirator work?

An electric aspirator is a device that helps a patient with asthma make breathing easier. It works by aspiration, which is the creation of traction to remove fluids and other materials from the airways during an asthma attack. This allows you to expand your airways and reduce the strain on your lungs.

Electroaspiration includes two main parts: a uterine electrode and an electric arc, which is built into the uterine walls of the throat. To use electroaspiration, you must first insert the electrode into the throat walls. Once the electrode is in place, the device can be used to clear mucus and other substances from the airways. In this case, the electrode creates electromagnetic fields that move the liquid in the mouth and throat and help it come out.

Advantages of using electroaspirates

The use of electroaspirate for asthma can be very beneficial for patients. Here are some advantages of this device compared to traditional lung cleansing methods:

- Painless. Electrosuction does not cause pain, unlike some other methods of clearing the airways, such as expectoration and breathing exercises. - Compactness. Electric aspirators easily fit in a backpack or bag. They can be moved to any place if the disease overtook you outside the home.

Instead of serious expectorant medications and risky breathing exercises, electroaspirates allow you to quickly and painlessly clear your mouth and throat of excess mucus. Although this method is suitable