

Hello. An electromyograph is a medical device that records the electrical activity of muscles. It is used to diagnose and treat various muscle-related diseases.

**Types of Electromyographs** - *Portable electromyograph.* This is a small machine that can be used in a doctor's office or at home. It usually has little sensitivity but can record small muscle movements. *Stationary electromyograph* is a more powerful device that is used in large medical centers. It has high sensitivity and can record large muscle movements, resulting in more accurate data.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the electromyograph is to record electrical impulses that occur during muscle contraction. The device converts these pulses into graphical curves that are displayed on a computer screen. In this way, the doctor can evaluate the electrical activity of the muscles and determine the presence of the disease.

Different muscle diseases can manifest in different ways. For example, in muscular dystrophy or myasthenia gravis, patterns of muscle electrical activity can be easily determined. However, various muscle diseases and injuries can also present differently and require a more thorough examination to determine them. To record muscle movements, signals of various types are used, for example: - Electrical signals - recorded on the skin or inside body tissues. They can be used in examining the central nervous system. - Kinesiological signals - obtained during the movement of the skeleton of the body or its parts. Such signals are used when examining the motor system. There are also other types of signals, for example, magnetic signals recorded on different parts of the body can be used to assess the activity of the cardiovascular system and other organs.

In custody

Electromyography is an important tool for the diagnosis and treatment of a number of muscle diseases. Its use allows you to avoid misdiagnosis, help establish the true cause of the symptoms, and select the most appropriate treatment.