
Electroodontodiagnosis is a diagnostic method in dentistry that consists of recording electrical signals that arise in the dental pulp under the measured influence of various physical factors on it.

Electroodontodiagnosis is carried out using a special device that generates an electric current and transmits it to the patient’s tooth through a special wire. Depending on the reaction of the pulp to the current, the doctor can determine the degree of its sensitivity, which makes it possible to identify hidden diseases and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

However, like any other diagnostic method, electroodontodiagnosis has its limitations and contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for patients with pacemakers or metal implants. In addition, the results of electroodontodiagnosis may be distorted in the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Despite this, electroodontodiagnosis is an important diagnostic method in dentistry and can improve the effectiveness of treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Electroodontology is a method for diagnosing dental diseases by measuring the electrical resistance of tooth tissues during exposure to alternating voltage current. It allows you to determine the presence of problems in the soft tissues of the oral cavity, such as pulpitis, caries or periodontitis, and also determine their severity.

The essence of the method is to measure the resistance of fluids in tooth tissues. If the enamel is damaged, you can see changes in the electrogram, for example, an increase in resistance. This method can help doctors understand what kind of damage is present in the tooth and begin treatment before obvious symptoms (pain, numbness) appear.

In addition to the use of specialized devices to determine the level of tissue resistance, there are also electroodontal diagnostic devices that can determine the degree of sensitivity of individual teeth after applying a special indicator drug (for example, phenolmenthol). This helps to quickly determine the condition of the tooth and take measures to treat or prevent it. The use of electroodontology helps not only to identify problems, but also to determine the cause of their occurrence.