
Electroplethysgraphy is a medical diagnostic method based on measuring the electrical resistance of body tissues depending on changes in their blood supply. The method is based on recording changes in electrical resistance between electrodes applied to the skin at certain points of the body and an electrode installed in the heart area.

Electroplethysgraphy is used to determine the speed of blood flow in various organs and systems of the body, as well as to assess the condition of blood vessels, their patency and elasticity. The method allows you to obtain information about the state of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs.

The operating principle of the electroplethysgraph is based on recording changes in the electrical resistance of the skin in response to changes in blood flow. When the blood supply to tissues changes, the resistance of the skin changes, which is recorded by an electroplethysgraph.

To carry out electroplethysgraphy, special devices are used - electroplethysgraphs, which record changes in the electrical resistance of the skin in certain areas of the body. The measurement results are processed using special programs that provide information about the speed of blood flow and the condition of the blood vessels.

The electroplethysgration method has high accuracy and information content, which makes it one of the most effective methods of medical diagnostics. It is widely used in cardiology, neurology, surgery and other areas of medicine to assess the functional state of the body and diagnose diseases.

Electroplethysmography is a method for studying blood circulation, based on recording bioelectric potentials that arise in tissues as a result of volumetric changes caused by pulse fluctuations in blood volume in the vessels.

An electroplethysmograph converts electrical oscillations into pulse waves, which are then transmitted to a recording device. Depending on the type of electroplethysmograph, it can record both pulse waves and individual fluctuations in electrical potential.

Depending on what parts of the body are being examined, there are different types of electroplethysmographs: rectal, vaginal, superficial (external).

Electroplethysmography is used in various fields of medicine, including cardiology, neurology, endocrinology and others. It allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels, blood supply to tissues and organs, and also identify circulatory disorders.