
Electropneumotachography is a research method that is used to measure and analyze temporary changes in air pressure in the lungs during breathing. This method is based on the use of electro-pneumatic sensors that record changes in air pressure in the lungs and convert them into electrical signals.

Electropneumotachography is widely used in medicine to diagnose various lung diseases such as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and pneumonia. It can also be used to monitor lung health in patients receiving treatment for these diseases.

The electropneumotachography process begins with the patient breathing normally for a certain period of time. Sensors then record changes in pressure in the lungs and transmit this data to a computer for analysis. The computer processes the data and creates an electropneumotachogram, which is a graphical representation of changes in air pressure in the lungs over time.

Electropneumotachogram analysis can help doctors determine the presence and severity of lung disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. For example, in asthma, an electropneumotachogram may show an increase in expiratory time and a decrease in lung volume. In COPD, an electropneumotachogram will show a decrease in expiratory flow and an increase in expiratory time.

Overall, electropneumotachography is an important tool for diagnosing and monitoring lung diseases, as well as for assessing the effectiveness of treatment. It allows doctors to obtain more accurate information about the condition of patients' lungs and make more informed treatment decisions.

Electropneumotachography is a new promising direction in biomedical technology. This method allows the analysis of the electrocardiogram and pneumotachogram simultaneously, which provides a more accurate and complete understanding of the functioning of the heart and lungs. In this article, we will consider in more detail how the electropneumotachographic system works and what advantages it has over traditional methods of studying the cardiopulmonary system.

The electropneumotachograph is not large and is easily attached to the patient’s chest area using a special breathing mask. The patient must breathe calmly and evenly to ensure high-quality data is obtained. The device itself consists of an EMG sensor (electromyograph), an air flow generator and special software that collects, processes and analyzes the data obtained.

Signals from the EMG sensor are sent to a computer, where they are processed by an analyzer, which makes appropriate measurements to determine heart rate and pulmonary function. Signals received from the pneumotachogram sensor are processed using a special algorithm that determines the volume and speed of air flow when the patient inhales and exhales. Thus, the electropneumotachograph allows for a more accurate analysis of the functioning of the heart and lungs than traditional methods for studying these organs.

As the practice of using the electropneumontachographic research method in medical institutions shows, the results turned out to be quite effective. Researchers note improved coronary artery blood flow, increased blood oxygen, decreased electrolyte tension, and improved diastolic cardiac filling. Also, the use of this method makes it possible to detect hidden diseases that may be associated with a low level of metabolism in the heart muscle or lungs.

It is also important to note that the electropneumotaxograph does not require special training from the patient and the operator.