
Chiguatera - description

Sigwaterra or Chiguaterra?

The Russian spelling for the word sigvaterra (chiguatera) is “chiguatera”.

That’s what someone who wrote it tells me, if you check it on the Internet (without irony)!

Chiguatera, in turn, refers to the ancient cities along the Parana River in Brazil.

But there is another point of view. There are surnames that are written differently in different documents. For example, I can be written as: Aleksandirova, Aleksandrova or Aleksanov. Sometimes they write Kostenko, but according to my passport I am Alena Kosteniuk. The same goes for city names. Some locals call it Chiguatera and some call it Sigwatera. And that is not all. Residents of the Brazilian wilderness, in addition to Chiguaterera, call Yuduarano and Bercipa. And also... Well, you understand, yes