
Electrotonography is a new word in organ diagnostics

Electrotonography, a new technology, has rapidly burst into the field of medical diagnostics, attracting increased attention from doctors and patients. Perhaps nothing interests a person more than the state of his health, and health is often understood as well-being. It’s not for nothing that we grow, give life to our offspring, without sparing ourselves. We care about loved ones, and, of course, we strive to see meaning in life. But what happens to our body? Often the cause of certain symptoms of the disease lies within us. And how important it is that it functions for a long time, gets sick as little as possible, lives life to the fullest, without experiencing any particular difficulties in performing daily tasks. Thus, electrotonography is becoming increasingly popular. After all, this particular direction is known, for example, as CT angiography? This technique allows you to see the cavity from the inside, while being safe compared to radiography. It is used to visualize the heart, blood vessels, and brain.

Its analogues are ECG, MRI and CT, but the new method has advantages that prevent other competitors from competing with electrotonography like never before. First of all, it's speed. Magnetic resonance imaging takes approximately 30 minutes to perform after the patient lies down. At this time it is necessary to lie almost motionless, and he himself sometimes experiences pain. Would you like to experience these sensations again? Like radiography

Electrotonography is a method for studying the function of organs and tissues using electrical impulses. This method is based on measuring the electrical activity of organs and tissues in response to various types of stimulation.

Electrotonography is used in various fields of medicine, including the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology and others. It allows you to detect the presence of the disease before symptoms appear and prescribe the necessary treatment in the early stages of the disease. For this procedure, the patient needs to place sensor needles on the skin that read information about the functioning of the organs. This is a non-invasive and painless diagnostic method, which is one of its main advantages.

Modern equipment makes it possible to conduct a detailed analysis of changes in the bioelectrical activity of various parts of the body. The research time has increased, the hardware has become much more sensitive. The equipment is adapted for patients of different age groups, allowing you to choose the optimal regimen for receiving medical services. As a result of using the electrosonography method, each patient can count on an individual approach, which, in turn, improves the prognosis for therapy.