Electric ash generator

Electric ash generators are devices designed to spray solutions using electrical energy as an energy source. Unlike other generation methods, electrical evaporation generation is usually used to disperse liquids into various aerosols or even solid products. Such generators are widely used in industry and research.

Generators of electric water-solution aerosols and other types of electric aerosol generators are the most developed family. They consist of a power source for an electrical solution atomization device (electric evaporation generator), control software, a fogging device and accessories. The dimensions of the spray nozzle vary from a few micrometers to several millimeters. Based on the type of dispersed material, electroaerosols are divided into aqueous, alcoholic, oily, and organic solvents. Generators can spray suspensions, emulsions and sometimes suspension microcapsules, creating effects such as increased value and erosion resistance. Acids can withstand a little dry spraying to prevent erosion, but can then form substances that negatively affect or deteriorate the materials. The main advantage of the dry spray process is the higher concentration of components due to reduced droplet size compared to wet dispersion. The traditional manual procedure, however, makes handling dry substances difficult and requires high quality protective enclosures and explosion-proof packaging to prevent accidents. Aqueous coatings, acids and many water-based degreasers are problematic due to the low specific strength of aqueous solutions. Without special protection or safety precautions, they can corrode protective equipment and also mix with

Electric sol generators are power tools that are used to produce aerosol mixtures. Their basis is a generator of cold ion-abrasive sprays. This unit generates an electrical discharge, which makes it possible to separate the constituent components of the liquid in a finely dispersed state. The ions bind the sprayed components together to form a sol or aerosol.

Aerosols are widely used in medicine, chemical and physical laboratories, chemical industry, agriculture and other fields. They are used to create disperse systems that have wide particle sizes. Electric aerosol generators are used in many industries due to their compactness, reliability and ease of operation.

The main task that the generator solves is the formation of an air (gaseous) mixture based on the initial components. In the process of liquid decomposition into ions, a jet is obtained, the diameter of which depends on the shape and location of the electrodes. Under the influence of an electric discharge, ions are discharged inside the medium, while the components of the solution are located unevenly relative to each other. In addition, the resulting aerosol has a high degree of dispersion.

One of the main advantages of electrosolgen generators is their versatility.