
Elephantiasis is a serious disease characterized by significant hypertrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This condition is associated with blockage of the lymphatic vessels, which are responsible for the drainage of lymph from surrounding tissues. The disease is caused by inflammation and thickening of the walls of blood vessels, as well as their further blockage. The main causes of elephantiasis are the filaria parasites Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi.

The disease usually affects the legs, causing a significant increase in the volume of their surrounding tissues. However, other parts of the body such as the scrotum, breasts and vulva are often affected. Swelling, characteristic of elephantiasis, can lead to poor circulation and an increased risk of developing inflammatory processes in the affected tissues.

Treatment of elephantiasis is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease - the filaria parasites. For this, diethylcarbamazine is used, which is capable of destroying parasite larvae in the bloodstream. An elastic bandage is applied to the affected areas of the limbs to provide rest and reduce swelling.

Elephantiasis is a serious disease that can significantly impair the patient's quality of life. However, modern diagnostic and treatment methods make it possible to promptly identify and combat this disease. It is important to remember that if elephantiasis is suspected, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Elephantiasis is a disease characterized by significant hypertrophy (thickening) of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The reason is blockage of the lymphatic vessels through which lymph flows from surrounding tissues. Inflammation and thickening of the walls of blood vessels, as well as their further obstruction, are most often caused by parasitic filariae (nematodes) of the species Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi.

Elephantiasis usually affects the legs, less commonly the scrotum, chest and vulva. To alleviate the condition, an elastic bandage is applied to the affected limbs, providing them with rest. Filaria larvae in the blood are destroyed using the drug diethylcarbamazine. Elephantiasis belongs to the group of filarial diseases.

Elephantiasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and tissue due to blockage of lymphatic vessels by parasitic filariae. The disease occurs mainly in tropical countries in Asia, Africa and Central America, where it is humid and hot. However, people who live in more temperate climatic conditions are often affected by the disease. The incidence of elephantiasis is increasing as a result of resource exploitation and uncontrolled development.

The mechanism of the disease is as follows: first, hyperplasia develops under the skin (that is, a strong proliferation of cells), and then it becomes denser and more noticeable in appearance. The skin swells, thickens and changes color due to the spread of filariasis in it. In addition, the lymphatic vessels become inflamed, and some of them may become partially blocked. All these processes lead to the development of elephantiasis. In addition to the legs, elephantiasis can develop in the genital area, nipples, abdominal cavity, groin and even lips. Recently, there has been a tendency that young people are increasingly becoming ill with elephantiasis. Another feature of elephantiasis is that in some cases, nodules appear on the skin with this disease. In this case, the nodes can be small and located on the phalanges of the fingers. Treatment for elephantiasis combines medication and surgery. Treatment includes taking medications to fight the filars and reduce inflammation. At the same time, surgical removal of nodes and shocking lines is performed. If we are talking about the loss of a limb, doctors perform amputation. Unfortunately, the disease is transmitted through insects (the expression “sexually transmitted” does not apply here) - mosquitoes. The only effective way to prevent elephantiasis is to use prevention methods. Mosquitoes are carriers of filariasis, which is the main cause of elephantiasis. Therefore, mosquito control is very important.