Elschniga Spots

elshnig spot euphasia is a clinically significant reaction to stress in the form of affectively indifferent obsessive involuntary verse-like movements in anxiety-depressive disorders and psychogenic diseases.

The exact etiological factor in the development of Elschnig spots has not been established. In this regard, this pathology can be regarded as the initial link in the formation of obsessive-compulsive syndrome. A long pathogenetic process leads to the development of symptoms of obsessions, which in the patient take on the form of poetic movements. Such repetitive movements often require combating obsessions, take up more and more time for the patient and cannot be corrected. Typically, diagnosis and treatment are only required when the patient experiences or threatens self-harm. Treatment Therapy is carried out by neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists. Treatment must be comprehensive and carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor over the patient’s condition. Antidepressants are used as part of therapy. An important role is played by psychotherapy sessions, the main objectives of which are to teach the patient to manage irritability and relieve mental overload. Therapy should be carried out after identifying the underlying disease that provoked the development of symptoms