Elseve strength arginine x3

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Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

With the Elsev mask, Arginine Power x3, your hair will grow strong! The unique formula of the product is based on Arginine, an amino acid responsible for hair growth. The hair mask simultaneously acts in three directions: intensively nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens the roots and stimulates hair growth. Directions for use: Apply the mask to washed and towel-dried hair and distribute evenly over the entire length. Leave for 2-3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, avoiding getting the product into your eyes.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details

Strawberry July 25, 2015

What is arginine?

This is probably the most interesting question. For both you and me. What does this series promise? By the way, do you know that L’Oreal also has a series “The Power of Arginine Light”? Therefore, it makes sense to learn about this substance, because L’Oreal now has two ranges with arginine. "Arginine Power x3" is the one I'm testing. It is intended for normal hair. And “The Power of Arginine Light” has almost the same packaging, but with a blue edging with the word Light, and the line is intended for oily hair, since the formula in these products is lighter and does not weigh down.

For some reason, the supermarket where I bought the products decided that it would not be very interesting for me to know what was written about Arginine on the packaging: all packages had barcodes or stickers from the store.

If anyone who is responsible for this in stores is reading these lines now, I ask: Don’t do this! It is important for buyers to know what is written on cosmetics packaging. And manufacturers do not write all this for the sake of beauty.

In general, I had to look for information on the L’Oreal website and on the Internet. Here's what I understood:

Arginine is an amino acid that is important for cell growth. Bodybuilders and those who are deeply involved in fitness and know what sports nutrition is may be familiar with this amino acid. Arginine supplements are often described as essential for building muscle mass. Arginine is classified as an essential amino acid, that is, it is produced by the body, but it is not enough for active growth, and therefore we get the amount we need from food (arginine is found in foods such as grains, nuts, meat, fish, cottage cheese and cheese). Bodybuilders take arginine, as it improves muscle nutrition, increases the production of growth hormone, reduces blood pressure and generally activates muscle building.

Why does hair need this substance? Arginine is able to penetrate into the hair structure and attach to areas that are severely damaged, replenishing them. Thus, the hair structure improves, it becomes healthier and stronger. That is, it turns out that this substance is mainly necessary for damaged hair: dyed, split ends, permed, etc. But the packaging says something completely different: “for weak hair prone to hair loss.” I agree about “weak” hair - it really needs amino acids and proteins. And in case of hair loss, there seems to be no need to improve the hair structure - you should act exclusively on the hair roots. But there is a reasonable answer here too. The manufacturer writes on the website that arginine also penetrates the hair follicle. And by increasing microcirculation in it, it promotes more accelerated hair growth.

Well, enough theory, let's start practicing.

Packaging and textures

The packaging is standard for L’Oreal, nothing new. In textures too. White and pearlescent compositions familiar to the brand with a recognizable L'Oreal aroma. He is not strong, but pleasant. But you know what I thought. Maybe it's time for the brand to release something transparent or blue or pink? All these compositions are very faceless, no zest.

The Power of Arginine - New line of hair care products from L'Oreal Elseve. Daily stress, bad water, and improper care make your hair thinner, making it brittle, dull and unruly. Scientists from the L’Oreal laboratory set out to solve this problem.

They found that hair becomes brittle and dull when there is a lack of arginine in the body, an amino acid that is a building block for proteins, which make up 65% of the structure of our hair. The Elseve hair line with arginine nourishes hair follicles, strengthens roots, restores damaged hair structure, and increases its resistance to environmental influences.