
EluDrill is a dental solution based on hexetidine, which is widely used in professional dentistry for the local treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa, as well as to eliminate bad breath and strengthen the gums. This solution is one of the most popular means for treating oral diseases due to its properties to kill germs and bacteria, inhibit their growth and prevent reproduction. In the article I will talk about its main properties, application and precautions for use.

Properties of the drug

Eludrin contains antibacterial components that act as a protective shield against infections and fungal diseases. Thanks to these properties, the solution effectively fights microbes that cause dental caries and gum diseases, such as periodontal disease and gingivitis. The drug also has an antifungal effect against candidiasis and other infectious diseases of the oral cavity that cause bad breath. The solution has an optimal pH for healthy gums and supports their strengthening and vitaminizing effect.

The sealing effect and anti-inflammatory properties are explained by the fact that the drug prevents the growth of bacteria. Absorbed into damaged tissues of the oral cavity, it reduces the likelihood of gum inflammation, tumors and trophic ulcers. As a result of the action of the antiseptic, the natural color of healthy gum tissue is restored and white spots are eliminated after dental interventions.

Use and precautions Eludril, like any other drug, must be used correctly. First of all, the use of this solution is limited to the age category. It is only suitable for adult patients over 18 years of age. In addition, for the drug to be effective, a full consultation with a dentist is necessary. It is necessary to correctly prescribe the dosage and determine the required duration of therapy. Usually the dentist prescribes the approximate number of packages required for the course of treatment. The product must be used strictly according to the instructions. To do this, you should dilute it in a certain proportion and rinse the mouth for a certain time. The duration of the course and dilution proportions are determined by the doctor based on the health indicators of the individual patient. Sticking out your tongue, you will need to treat only the affected areas with the solution. If you experience any discomfort, you should consult a doctor for advice. You can also find out from him whether an allergy to the active substance or any of its components is possible. It is also not recommended to use this product in patients who are intolerant of its components or have a history of an allergic reaction.


Thus, Eludrin is an effective dental remedy that helps prevent the development of infectious diseases of the oral cavity. However, before using this medicine, you must consult your dentist and strictly follow the instructions for use.