Embolus Speech

A speech embolus is a word, part of a word, or a short phrase that is repeated many times by the patient when trying to speak. This is one of the symptoms of motor aphasia, which is a speech disorder caused by brain damage.

**Speech embolus** is a psychological symptom. Combines the appearance of involuntary and meaningless sounds, words, short phrases, monotonously repeated by the patient, despite the presence of discomfort or feelings of shame accompanying the attempt to speak. The appearance of speech embolus can be caused by brain lesions during childbirth or in early childhood. This symptom appears as a separate bright sign that indicates the danger of the disease.

What symptoms appear in the presence of a speech embolus: * As a result, minor changes in the strength of the voice are observed: it becomes squeaky, guttural, and deaf. Instead of a gradual and smooth decrease in tone, a sharp trickle appears at the ends of phrases, this is especially clearly visible if you listen to background noise.