
Emmetropia is a condition of refraction in a healthy eye in which parallel light rays entering a relaxed eye are focused precisely on the retina. With emmetropia, the image of distant objects is formed directly on the retina without any additional effort from the eye muscles or lens.

Thus, with emmetropia, a person clearly sees distant objects without straining his vision. This is the optimal and most common condition of the eye's refraction.

Unlike emmetropia, with ametropia the image is not focused on the retina, but either before it (with myopia) or behind it (with hypermetropia). This results in blurred vision, which must be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.

Thus, emmetropia is an ideal state of refraction, in contrast to ametropia - myopia and hypermetropia. With emmetropia, a person sees well both far and near, without making any additional effort.

The concept of "emmetropia" is often referred to in ophthalmology as a condition of refractive health of the eye when parallel rays of light enter the eye and focus accurately on the retina, without eye strain and without visible distortion in the perception of distant objects. This condition is the state of the nature of the eye and gives clarity of vision. In everyday life, we can often notice that some people have emmetropia of the eye lenses. These people seem to have no problems with their vision (except in some cases of prolonged close work, where the retina may begin to work harder). The eyes of such people can continue to work over a certain range of seemingly infinitely long distances. Emmetropi

The emmetropic eye as an ideal instrument for vision.

Emmetropic (emmetropicus; Greek emmeta - equal, similar + tropaios - visible, clear) is the eye of a person with “healthy” congenital refraction. The state of clear vision is ensured by the normal refraction of light rays in the eye

The eyes typically analyze the image of an object by bringing light back in front of it and allowing the light to focus on different points. The purpose of visual analysis is to detect the brightness gradient of an image. Light and dark areas are processed differently to create an image. These bright and contrasting areas cause varying degrees of change in luminous flux, and this is based in part on the optical accommodation effect.

Also another abbreviation for Emmetropia is **EMF**. Full transcript - Eye Medium Focus is an elliptical vision focus that provides maximum visual acuity. An ideally balanced state for many conditions (e.g. reading, working at close range, etc.), which contributes to overall good quality of vision.