
Subara is the name given to the extreme degree of violent insanity that occurs with hot bilious sarsam, so that a person who suffers from sarsam and is delirious becomes at the same time violent and excited. Simple faranitus is accompanied by delirium and confusion, but with it there is no violence, and if there is violence, then it is subara. Let's also say that subara is a kind of mania combined with faranitus, while faranitus is a kind of melancholy combined with a tumor in the brain and fever; with melancholia, violence is often preceded, and then swelling and fever appear.

Subara occurs only if faranitus arose from pure or burnt bile. When bile rushes into the brain and, upon reaching it, immediately causes violent insanity and, simultaneously or after it, a tumor, then it becomes the cause of subaru. With faranitus, violent insanity comes from a tumor, and with subara, both insanity and tumor come from matter, and neither of these phenomena causes the existence of the other, although sometimes each of them can cause the strengthening of the other.

When subara begins to appear, prolonged insomnia and restless sleep are observed. The patient gets scared and jumps up in his sleep and breathes frequently and intermittently; memory loss is observed, the patient’s answers do not correspond to the questions, the eyes turn red and run around, there is a feeling of heaviness in them, as if they are clogged; sometimes, as we have already said, the eyes turn yellow, tension and pain are felt near the back of the head, as steam rises there. In both diseases, involuntary tearing occurs from one eye. When the disease becomes stronger, the fever intensifies, the tongue becomes rough and dry. Then, at the end, the movements of the eyelids stop due to the weakness of the patient. It becomes difficult for him to move and even move his eyelids. Insanity leaves incoherent delirium, and the patient does not have the strength to speak, and he says little. Most often he picks up fluff and straws. Due to dryness, the pulse becomes weaker, smaller and harder. Sometimes there are vague and impure forms of subaru, in which the manifestations of speech, memory and movement disorders are not always the same: sometimes they are ordered, sometimes they are disordered.

Subaru is treated in the same way as gall sarsam is treated, but hydration is significantly increased. The patient's limbs must be tied at all times.