Emotional release (Abreaction)

Emotional release (Abreaction): what is it and how does it help with neurological disorders

Emotional release (Abreaction) is the process of liberation from a strong emotional reaction associated with the appearance of repressed thoughts and memories in the mind. This release may occur spontaneously in the patient, but doctors can help the patient speed up the process using various techniques such as psychotherapy, hypnosis, or medications such as thiopentone.

This technique is used to treat motor, sensory and autonomic disorders associated with strong emotional experiences, anxiety in the patient, as well as a number of other neurological disorders, especially when they are believed to be associated with the suppression of memory or emotions.

The process of releasing emotional tension can be an effective treatment for neurological disorders. During the release of emotional experiences, the patient is freed from accumulated internal energy, which can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental problems.

One of the methods used to achieve a release of emotional tension is psychotherapy. The doctor can help the patient express his emotions and feelings that have been suppressed in the past and learn to manage his emotions in the future.

Hypnosis can also be an effective method for achieving relief from emotional tension. The patient may be placed in a state of hypnosis to achieve a deeper level of awareness of their emotions and feelings.

One of the medications used to relieve emotional tension is thiopentone. This drug can be used to achieve a state of hypnosis and speed up the process of releasing emotional tension.

Although emotional release can help treat some neurological disorders, it is not a universal treatment for all mental health problems. In some cases, other treatments such as pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy may be needed.

One of the most common mental health problems that require treatment is cancer, a malignant tumor that can develop from epithelial tissue. Cancer develops due to abnormal and uncontrolled cell division that begins to infect and destroy surrounding tissue. The spread of cancer cells (metastasis) occurs through the bloodstream, lymph flow, through the pleural and abdominal cavities, which can lead to the appearance of secondary tumors in the body.

Each cancer tumor has its own characteristics, tendency to metastasize, and behavior in the human body. Cancer treatment depends on the type, location of the primary tumor and the extent of its metastasis.

There are various treatments for cancer, such as surgical removal of the tumor, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on many factors, including the type and stage of cancer, the age and general condition of the patient.

It is important to note that early detection of cancer can significantly increase the chances of a complete cure. Regular medical checkups and seeing a doctor at the first sign of illness can save lives.

In conclusion, Abreaction is an effective treatment for neurological disorders associated with repressed memory or emotion. However, it is not a universal treatment for all mental problems. Cancer, a malignant tumor, is a serious disease that requires complex treatment depending on the type and stage of the tumor. Regular medical examinations and timely consultation with a doctor can help prevent the development of cancer and save lives.

Emotional release (abreaction)

Emotional release is the process of liberation from a strong emotional reaction associated with repressed thoughts and memories appearing in the mind.

Since relief from strong emotional reactions in patients can even occur spontaneously, doctors can help them

For many years, the topic of cancer has been one of the most pressing health topics. Unfortunately, many people are faced with this disease and have to deal with its consequences with their family, friends and community. However, in addition to drug treatment, there is another important strategy - psychological support for the patient and his loved ones.