
Sometimes a woman experiences phenomena similar to those during pregnancy, that is, delayed menstruation, change in complexion, loss of appetite, compression of the uterus. This is often accompanied by some hardening of the mouth, and sometimes there is a slight hardening of the entire uterus. There is also swelling of the breasts and their fullness, and sometimes they become swollen. The woman feels a movement in her stomach, similar to the movement of the fetus, and a voluminous body, similar in volume to the fetus, which, under pressure, moves to the right and left. Sometimes the situation remains this way for four or five years, and sometimes it lasts until the end of life and cannot be treated. Sometimes a woman experiences something like dropsy and her stomach swells, but it is hard, not drum-like, and does not make the sound of a drum. Sometimes contractions and pushing begin, but there is no baby, and the cause turns out to be tension and swelling in the blood vessels of menstruation; in this case, the woman does not give birth to anything, but it also happens that she gives birth to a piece of meat that has a different shape that cannot be determined. And sometimes what comes out turns out to be only winds, but often it is the essence of excess that has accumulated and comes out with the copious blood retained in the uterus. Raha is the second of all the varieties mentioned; this is what is called mola, and other varieties are not called mola. In Persian this disease is called bari durugin.

The origin of this piece of meat is believed to be due to two circumstances; the first is the abundance of matter pouring into the uterus with its great warmth, and the second is copulation, in which the uterus embraces only the woman’s seed and supplies it with nutrition, but due to the lack of male power, a fetus is not formed from it.

One of the signs that distinguishes rakha as a type of false pregnancy from a true pregnancy is that this thing moves only for a while, and then, after that, does not move; The hardness of the abdomen with cancer is greater than the hardness of the abdomen in a pregnant woman. A woman's arms and legs with rakha are very loose, although thin. As for the signs that distinguish other types of false pregnancy from cancer, then with cancer they think that this is a fetus, and the woman feels the body contained in the uterus. Rakha often causes signs of kulanja, which occur with a tumor of the uterus, since the Rakha puts pressure on the cecum and causes severe pain; Raha is often accompanied by pain like the pain of kulanja. Sometimes, with kulanj due to rakha, the medicines tamri, shakhriyaran and the like help: they dispel this pain and at the same time remove the rakha.

Treatment. The regime for cancer is for the patient to move little, refrain from physical work and lie with her lower limbs raised; Juices should not be allowed to reach the underside of the body. If there is a need for bloodletting, evacuation and vomiting, then they are performed, and the patient is treated in all ways, that is, methods of treatment for solid tumors, as well as tissue-relaxing medicines in the form of bandages, poultices, waterings and baths, and substances that then expel the fetus . Sometimes the matter that forms the raha and what is similar to it is dissolved, and sometimes the raha is expelled; Often, in order to get rid of this concern, it is enough to give the patient some lugazia to drink; Kalalanaj oil is of great benefit in this case.