Contra- (Contra-)

Contra- (lat. contra - against) is a prefix indicating the opposite location or opposite direction in relation to something.

The prefix contra- is often used in scientific and medical terms to denote opposites:

  1. Contraversion - turning in the opposite direction from the original position.

  2. Contralateral - located on the opposite side.

  3. Contraindication is a sign indicating the inappropriateness or harmfulness of using something.

  4. Counterrevolution is a revolution directed against a previous revolution with the aim of undoing its results.

Thus, the prefix contra- is used to denote opposition, opposite, or inverse action in relation to the basic meaning of a word or concept.

Contra is a prefix that indicates the opposite location of something, for example, in the opposite direction, in the opposite sense, in a different place, etc. In some cases, this prefix can be used to create new words that describe opposite actions or phenomena.

For example, the word “contraversion” means a turn in the opposite direction from what was before, or a change of opinion or position to the opposite. Also, “counterfeit” means counterfeit or counterfeit, and “smuggling” means the illegal import of goods across the border.

In general, the use of the prefix “contra-” allows you to create new words that help better describe various phenomena and processes.


Contra- is a Latin prefix meaning “against” or “in contrast to.” It indicates the opposite of the location or action of something relative to a certain point or direction, for example: - Contraposition - the opposite of something to each other. - Counterinterpretation - a belief opposite to the original one.

Contra- is a logical opposition. The etymology of the word contains the elements contra (= against) and positus = placed / delivered. Concepts formed according to the contra-type are based on figurative derivation, connecting concepts from different semantic areas in the context of certain content. For example, "contra-ideology" is an expression used to denote an opposing ideological state or worldview to another ideology or view.