Topo- (Topo-)

Topo- (Topo-) is a prefix denoting place.

Topo- is a Greek prefix that means "place". It is used to indicate the place or location of an object. In Russian, topo- is often used in the names of geographical features, such as toponym (name of an area), topography (description of an area) and topokarta (map of an area). For example, toponymy (the study of place names), topographic map, topographic survey.

Topo-, topography, topographical (from the Greek τόπος - place and γραφέω - I write) - a prefix indicating the place, location of someone or something. For example, a topographer is a specialist in drawing up topographic maps, toponymy is a science that studies the origin of geographical names, a toponym is the name of a geographical object.

Topo-, is not a combination of something or something. This is the root of the word, the unit of which any language consists. If a word contains the root topo, then it denotes a place and describes its manifestation in some area of ​​activity. To learn this language, we will give several examples where we use