Papilovir for papillomas: composition, instructions for use, reviews

Papilovir for papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. The benefits of Papilovir for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas
  6. Real reviews about Papilovir

Papilovir is a Russian drug used for the complex treatment of tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. It is used both externally to combat papillomas and internally to neutralize HPV in general. It is a concentrate of more than 30 natural components.

Description and composition of Papilovir for papillomas

Papilovir packaging for papillomas

In the photo Papilovir for papillomas

Papilovir for papillomas was developed in 2015 by the Research Institute of Virology and Dermatology. Thanks to the composition of potent components of natural origin, it has a complex effect on the body, which significantly enhances the effect of use.

The product is used to combat the following neoplasms:

  1. Filiform papillomas. Small soft growths located mainly on the neck, armpits, and under the breasts. They are extremely traumatic and can degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
  2. Vulgar warts. One of the most common types of papillomas. Also called simple warts. As a rule, they have the shape of a tubercle of small diameter and are located mainly on the fingers and toes.
  3. Flat warts. Small flat formations that can occur throughout the body, but are most often localized on the face. They are also called teenage ones, since boys and girls often become their owners during puberty.
  4. Spikes. Plantar warts, which grow not outward, but inwardly, of the epidermis and have a high degree of keratinization. They can also be located on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.
  5. Condylomas. Pointed inclusions with a loose structure. They are located on the tips of the eyelids, tongue, and anogenital area. They are very traumatic.
  6. Papules. Spots localized primarily on the mucous membranes, often on the genitals.

Papilovir is one of the few drugs for the complex treatment of papillomas, used not only externally, but also internally. In this regard, it does not contain aggressive chemical components that could be harmful to health.

Propolis as a component of Papillovira

Papilovir contains the following substances:

  1. Carbolic acid. It is a natural antiseptic used in disinfection and wound healing. In medical products it is used to provide antiparasitic therapy. It acts gently, thanks to which it helps to get rid of tumors in delicate areas.
  2. Sodium hydroxide. This component is an antiviral agent. Its use in pharmacological preparations helps eliminate itching and combat peeling at the site of cell mutation due to an increased concentration of the human papillomavirus. Also called caustic soda. Whitens skin, fights unwanted pigmentation.
  3. Potassium hydroxide. Thanks to this component, it is possible to achieve a deep effect on the root of the tumor. It leaves warts without nutrition, causing them to dry out and gradually peel off from the epidermis.
  4. Perlite oil. This substance is a strong aggressor against viruses. Helps neutralize HPV not only in the tumor, but throughout the body, resulting in a general strengthening of the immune system.
  5. Red pepper. A most powerful antiparasitic agent that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Helps improve blood circulation, cleanse blood vessels, and stimulate the work of the heart muscle.
  6. Garlic extract. Product number one on the list of folk remedies for the treatment of papilloma. The basis is its antiviral property, as well as the ability to strengthen the immune system, fight germs, improve oral microflora, detoxify the body, lower cholesterol and increase physical activity.
  7. Propolis. The peculiarity of this component is that it not only kills the virus, it stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes, thus provoking the body to suppress viruses. It is a natural antibiotic that tones the body and helps restore strength. Removes toxins from systems and organs.

Papilovir is available as a three-layer liquid. Packaged in glass bottles of 30 ml. It is equipped with three nozzles for separate sampling of each phase. Packed in cardboard boxes with instructions. Papilovir cannot be purchased at a pharmacy; it is distributed only through online outlets.

The price of Papilovir is from 990 rubles in Russia, from 339 hryvnia in Ukraine.

An analogue of Papilovir is the drug Papilite. It does not repeat the composition of the product, but has some similar ingredients. It has a similar effect on the body as a whole, and on papillomas in particular.
  1. See also the description and composition of Papiderm for papillomas

The benefits of Papilovir for papillomas

Bottle of Papilovir for papillomas

Due to the fact that the product is used not only externally, but also internally, it is possible to achieve greater effectiveness in the fight against papillomas.

The use of Papilovir has the following positive effects:

  1. Destroys neoplasms. This happens due to deep penetration into the papilloma. The root system of formation is subjected to a destructive effect, making further nutrition of the papilloma impossible. This leads to its rapid drying out and peeling.
  2. Strengthens immunity. Human papillomavirus is activated and multiplies in the body mainly in conditions of reduced immunity. General restoratives help build a protective barrier that repels attacks from viruses, including HPV.
  3. Removes toxins. Cleansing the blood and lymph, as well as all systems and organs from toxins, also helps strengthen the body.
  4. Prevents the re-formation of papillomas. Due to the fact that the virus is destroyed not only on epidermal inclusions, but throughout the body, this helps to resist the further spread of papillomas throughout the body, and also eliminates the occurrence of relapses.

In addition, thanks to active extracts of plant origin, Papilovir has antiseptic properties and helps neutralize the action of harmful microorganisms that can cause suppuration and blood poisoning. Also, the components of the drops eliminate itching in the area of ​​application and have a mild analgesic effect, which is especially important when removing tumors on the feet or the bends of the fingers and toes.

  1. Read also about the benefits of the drug Sani Skin for papillomas

Instructions for use of Papilovir for papillomas

How to use Papilovir for papillomas

The photo shows how to use Papilovir for papillomas

Since Papilovir has a complex effect and is used both externally and internally, the methods of taking it differ. In order for the product to work, carefully study the application algorithm. The liquid in the bottle is divided into three phases. The set includes three nozzles, with the help of which each of them is selected. The first nozzle is intended for the middle layer, which represents the bioconcentrate. The second nozzle is used to select the lower phase, which looks like sediment and is diatomaceous. The third nozzle is used to collect the topmost layer.

Instructions for use of Papilovir externally:

  1. You need to start using the drug externally. To do this, carefully remove the bottle of medicine from the box, allowing for minimal connection of the phases with each other. Shaking the bottle is strictly prohibited. If you see that the layers are a little mixed together, place the bottle on a flat horizontal surface and wait until they separate.
  2. Using the first nozzle, take one drop of the solution from the middle phase and apply it to the center of the new formation. Do not rub the drug, massage the treatment areas, or blow on them. Self-absorption of the product is important here.
  3. After 15 minutes, take the second nozzle and use it to remove a drop from the diatom phase. Also apply a drop to the center of the new growth, but this time gently rub the liquid in for a few minutes.
  4. After another 15 minutes, take the third nozzle and use it to select a drop from the top layer. Also drop a drop into the middle of the new growth and rub it thoroughly into the papilloma again.

After finishing the external treatment, immediately take the drug internally. Use cool boiled or purified water.

Instructions for internal use of Papilovir:

  1. Remove the bottle from the box and shake thoroughly, achieving maximum mixing of all phases of the drug.
  2. Take the first nozzle and fill it with the mixed liquid.
  3. Measure out 50 ml of purified water and add 15 drops of a homogeneous preparation to it. Immediately drink the medicine in one go.

External treatments must be carried out twice a day, after first washing with soap and drying soft papillomas, as well as steaming and removing keratinization from rough neoplasms. You need to take the product orally once a day. It is better to do this after morning treatment, since all active components are much better absorbed during physical activity rather than rest.

It is necessary to carry out external treatments until you see changes in the tumors, namely, their gradual reduction followed by detachment. The internal course is 30 days.
  1. Read also the instructions for using salicylic ointment for papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Papilovir for papillomas

Pregnant woman

According to the instructions for Papilovir, the only contraindication to its use is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. However, do not forget that there are several risk groups when you need to be careful when using any medications.

Patients who are indicated to use the product only under medical supervision:

  1. allergy sufferers;
  2. children;
  3. pregnant women
  4. nursing mothers.

Also, Papilovir is not used in the case of epidermal tears, abrasions, scratches, wounds, trophic ulcers, itching, hives and other skin defects, including those of unknown etiology.

  1. See also contraindications to the use of Collomac for papillomas

Results of treatment of papillomas with Papilovir

The result of treatment of papillomas with Papilovir

The result of treatment of papillomas with Papilovir

The manufacturer of Papilovir notes that this drug has a certificate of conformity and has undergone clinical trials in a hospital setting. A group of patients used the drug to treat tumors caused by HPV for 30 days. As a result, papillomas and other formations were removed from 81% of the subjects. At the same time, the concentration of papillomavirus in the body decreased significantly.

According to patient reviews found on the Internet, changes in small tumors are visible after just a week of complex use, and the effect is especially visible after 2-3 weeks. And after a month I manage to completely recover from papillomas.

It is noted that the product is effective not only for external use. But this does not exclude the occurrence of relapses, and also requires a longer course of therapy.

Note! Treatment may last more than a month if old papillomas, including a large number of keratinized lesions, are to be removed.
  1. See also the results of using Duofilm for papillomas and warts

Real reviews about Papilovir for papillomas

Real reviews about Papilovir for papillomas

Papilovir has numerous reviews. There are a fairly large number of positive, but at the same time, many negative characteristics. Manufacturers attribute negative experiences to improper use, use of counterfeits, or individual characteristics of the body.

Olga, 21 years old, Rostov

My grandmother is 66 years old. But she is not an old lady, but a very beautiful and interesting elderly woman who takes care of herself and takes care of herself. Therefore, when my grandmother asked to look on the Internet for reviews about the treatment with Papilovir, which was recommended to her by a dermatologist, I immediately complied with her request. There were a lot of reviews, both positive and negative. But after analyzing them, we realized that almost any drug has both supporters and opponents. Therefore, we decided to trust the doctor and purchase the product. At that time, my grandmother was visiting her aunt in Ukraine. It was not possible to buy Papilovir in a pharmacy in Kharkov, and her aunt helped her order the product via the Internet. It turned out even cheaper than buying it in Rostov, even though the product is Russian. My grandmother used one bottle when she was still visiting, and by that time she had already managed to cure half of the papillomas. And we bought the second one at home and continued treatment. Of the 8 papillomas, 2 remained, especially large and old ones. They had to be removed with a laser. But still, we were satisfied with the effect of the drug. Only at first we were a little confused about the attachments and phases, but over time we figured it out.

Daria Sergeevna, 57 years old, Moscow

After 30 years, papillomas began to appear on my neck. While there were several of them, they did not cause much discomfort. But when several dozen of them formed, it became dangerous from the point of view of injuries. Yes, and very unpleasant from the point of view of appearance. It was especially alarming when they started to get dark. And one papilloma became much darker than the others. In our clinic, the position of an oncologist is combined with the position of a surgeon. And, like any surgeon, the doctor advised me to remove it. Thank you, at least not with a scalpel, but with a laser. Considering the number of tumors I had, the procedure was very expensive. And then I decided to try drug treatment first. I gave preference to a natural preparation. Papilovir could not be found in Moscow pharmacies, so I ordered it from an online pharmacy. The product was delivered quickly and straight to my home. I liked the fact that all the documentation about the drug with certificates and detailed instructions was included. The product cannot be called expensive, but given my small income, it cannot be called cheap either. Therefore, I started using it externally. My surprise knew no bounds when within a week several papillomas disappeared. I was convinced of the effectiveness of this drug and bought another bottle to undergo a long course of internal treatment. It took me almost 2 months to completely cure all the papillomas. Considering the fact that my situation was very neglected, I consider this a real miracle. And I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, but I underwent therapy in late autumn, and the following winter I never caught a cold. I never write such recommendations, but since I saw that Papilovir also had negative reviews, I just wanted to stand up for the medicine. It helped me a lot.

Victor, 32 years old, Omsk

There are some diseases that are popularly considered to be either male or female. I consider the formation of papillomas to be a female disease, since it is a cosmetic skin defect that I most often encountered in women. Mostly older people. When a papilloma appeared on my neck, I almost burned with shame. A young man, and such a plaque on his skin. In the cold season, we managed to save ourselves with scarves, high-neck socks, and shirts completely buttoned under a tie. But in the summer, my sore spilled out for everyone to see. I was very complex, so I tried several medications to treat papilloma. Mild preparations had no effect, and one strong chemical agent, after the first use, burned the neoplasm and the skin around the papilloma so much that I was seriously scared and stopped using it. I went looking for help on the Internet. Papilovir was praised on the forum. I started studying the composition and was glad that it was natural. Started using it externally. And after a week I switched to internal use, when I was convinced that there was no allergy. I noticed changes in the skin after a week of complex use. It seemed to me that the papilloma began to lose moisture and gradually decrease. After another week it shrunk significantly, and after another week it separated. There was a small point where the tear occurred. It cannot be called a wound, just a barely noticeable mark that healed over 7 days. Thus, it took me about a month to remove a long-term problem. I would like to note that I was only able to buy Papilovir in Omsk via the Internet; the product is not sold in pharmacies. But I am one of those people who buy almost everything online, so this circumstance did not cause any negativity for me.

  1. See also real reviews about the use of Papilight for papillomas

Papilovir belongs to the category of modern drugs for the treatment of tumors caused by HPV. The advantages include a complex effect on papillomas and high efficiency, provided that it is used correctly and there are no specific reactions of the body. If the tumors are old, one bottle of the drug may not be enough to remove them, and, given the fairly high price of the product, patients consider this a disadvantage. Some also include the fact that Papilovir is not sold in pharmacies.

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