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Pleoptics are special techniques used by orthoptists to stimulate the function of the macula in people suffering from visual impairment due to strabismus or other reasons. This area of ​​the retina is the most sensitive and important for normal vision, so its function can be impaired by various diseases and conditions.

When a person has strabismus, one or both eyes may be directed in different directions, which leads to impaired retinal function and decreased vision. Orthoptists use various pleoptactic techniques to stimulate normal macular function and improve vision in such patients.

One of the main methods of pleoptaki is training the eye for movement. The orthoptist helps the patient learn to move their eyes correctly so that they can focus on the object in front of them. This helps stimulate the function of the macula, as it is responsible for the perception of shape and color.

Another method of pleoptaxis involves the use of special glasses or lenses that correct the patient's vision. Orthoptists can prescribe glasses or contacts that help correct vision abnormalities and stimulate macular function.

In addition, orthoptists may use other techniques, such as light therapy or electrical stimulation, to improve macular function and improve a patient's vision.

Overall, pleoptics is an important treatment for visual impairment due to strabismus or other causes. It helps stimulate normal macular function and improve vision in patients, allowing them to see better and feel more comfortable in everyday life.