Инсуффляция (Insufflation)

Insufflation is the process of blowing gases or powders into a human body cavity through the respiratory tract. This procedure can be used to treat various diseases, for example, in the treatment of asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

Insufflation can be carried out either manually or using special medical equipment. In manual insufflation, a doctor or nurse blows gas or powder into the patient's lungs through a tube that is inserted into the patient's airway. This allows for deeper penetration of gas or powder and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

When using special medical equipment, the insufflation process occurs automatically. Such devices can be used to treat asthma, when it is necessary to constantly maintain a certain level of gas in the patient's lungs. Also, such devices can be used to treat pneumonia, when it is necessary to increase lung capacity and improve the patient’s breathing.

However, like any medical procedure, insufflation has its risks and complications. For example, if the insufflation technique is incorrect or the wrong gas or powder is used, the patient's lungs can be harmed. In addition, insufflation may cause allergic reactions in the patient, especially if a powder containing allergens is used.

Overall, insufflation is an important tool in medicine that can treat various respiratory diseases. However, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and select the appropriate gas or powder for treatment.

Insufflation (from Latin in - into, inside and Latin sufflātiō - blowing) is the injection of any gas or powdery substance into any body cavity. It is used in medicine, as well as in various technical devices, for example, in pneumatic systems.

Insufflation is used to treat certain diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. At the same time, special medications are injected into the lungs to help fight infection and inflammation.

Insufflation is also used in dentistry to fill tooth canals before installing fillings or other materials. This allows for more reliable fixation of materials and avoids possible complications.

In some cases, insufflation is used as a diagnostic method. For example, when examining the lungs using X-ray or computed tomography.

However, it is worth noting that insufflation can also have negative consequences. For example, blowing in too much gas or powder can cause tissue and organ damage and allergic reactions. Therefore, before carrying out insufflation, it is necessary to carefully study the contraindications and conduct the necessary research.

Insufflation is one of the medical interventions for intravenous regional anesthesia, which consists of the introduction of gas mixtures or suspensions of drugs into the tracheobronchial tree, bronchial bifurcation or body cavities through an endotracheal (inhalation) mask, tube or tonometer cuff. The injected gas or suspension has a direct effect directly at the injection site, as well as a reflex effect and interacts with drugs and drugs introduced into the patient’s body before, during or after inhalation.

In anesthesiology and intensive care, an endotracheal tube connected to a masked breathing apparatus is the most common alternative to an endotracheal tube. This is the safest type of endotracheal tube and represents the least amount of airway intervention. During anesthesia or under anesthesia, if

Insufflation (Latin in - “inside” and Latin suffulatio - inflation; synonym - inhalation) - in medicine, the artificial introduction of a small volume of air or other gas mixtures through the patient’s respiratory tract into his lungs for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. It is carried out both to provide first aid in case of accidents and respiratory diseases. In everyday life, the procedure is called suffocation. Infusion (in - English) - honey. **The use of intubation anesthesia in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi** Bulau intubation is a very effective method of treating inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs, which significantly reduces the duration of leukemic infiltrate in the lungs after bronchoscopy. Not only therapeutic measures for hemoptysis, but also the prevention of asphyxia are of greater importance. To prevent this complication, intubation should not be delayed even if persistent edema occurs, such as pulmonary or pleural atelectasis. Only quick and effective relief of the inflammatory process and prevention of progressive asphyxial syndrome will prevent the disease from progressing. The basic, main principle of intubation is the immediate restoration of patency of the upper respiratory tract. With a fairly rapid development of therapeutic activities, it is possible to prevent severe exacerbations of the pulmonary process. In modern conditions, local use of antibiotics is very effective, especially intrabronchially, after bronchoscopic sanitation. It is generally accepted that this treatment gives positive results within two days. In this case, it becomes possible to avoid serious complications in the form of pneumonia, lung abscess, mediastinitis, and pleural pneumatosis. The presence of an infectious agent in the bronchi has a negative effect on the local immune status. Therefore, given the difficulties in differential diagnosis of occupational bronchitis from endogenous asthma, intubation bronchoscopy is mandatory after taking prednisolone. Untimely recognition and untimely implementation of therapeutic measures can lead to disruption of the rheological properties of blood