Telangiectasia (Telangiectasis, Plural. Telangiectases)

Telangiectasia (Telangiectasis, plural. Telangiectases) - a small accumulation of dilated capillaries and small arterioles; It is a red spot, sometimes resembling a spider, that turns pale when you press on it. Telangiectasia can form on the skin or mucous membrane of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and urinary tract.

The formation of multiple telangiectasia is also called telangiectasia. This condition can be hereditary and is accompanied by an increased tendency of a person to develop bleeding (haemorrhagic telangiectasia).

To eliminate some bleeding telangiectasias located in an accessible place (for example, in the nose), they are cauterized.

Telangiectsia is a pathological change in the structure of small vessels of the skin; its predisposing causes and occurrence are not always known. May be inherited due to hemolytic blood disease.

Red stars on the body indicate the early development of the disease.

Vasodilation leads to the appearance of a congenital form of the disease. With this pathology, capillaries and small venules protruding under the skin surface are clearly visible. There are several forms of the disease: 1. Superficial form: in this case, blood is released from the nose or cuts upon palpation. With the superficial form, there are hereditary and idiopathic forms. 2. Telangiectatic: red vascular dots of various shapes and sizes appear on the skin. The disease is acute: rapid dilation of blood vessels with the formation of large red