Gyrus (Gyrus, Pl. Gyri)

Gyrus (Gyrus, Pl. Gyri): Structural features and functions

The gyri (also known as the gyri) are folds of the cerebral cortex that are prominent in the surface of the brain and play an important role in the functioning of our brains. They are located between the sulci and create a characteristic brain landscape. In this article we will look at the structural features and functions of the gyri, as well as their role in cognitive processes.

The structure of the convolutions is characterized by complex waves and bends that are created during the embryonic development of the brain. The gyri increase the surface area of ​​the cerebral cortex, allowing more neurons and synapses to be accommodated in a limited volume of the cranium. This significantly increases the total area of ​​the cortex, which in turn promotes more efficient information processing.

Each gyrus has its own name and location, and they are classified according to anatomical features. Some gyri are well studied and have known functions, while others still pose a mystery to researchers.

One of the main functions of the gyri is to process information and coordinate cognitive processes. Each gyrus specializes in certain tasks and is associated with certain cognitive functions. For example, the frontal gyri is responsible for complex cognitive tasks such as planning, decision making, and behavioral control. The temporal gyri plays an important role in processing auditory and visual information, and the occipital gyri is associated with visual perception and spatial orientation.

In addition, the gyri have connections with other areas of the brain through neural pathways. This interconnection allows different aspects of information to be integrated and the work of different areas of the brain to be coordinated. This organization enables complex cognitive functions such as language processing, analysis of sensory information, and memory formation.

The gyri also play a role in shaping the individual characteristics of the brain and its functioning. The unique characteristics of the gyri are related to genetic predisposition and interaction with the environment during brain development. Research shows that abnormalities in gyral structure may be associated with various neurological disorders and mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder and depression.

The study of the gyri and their role in brain function is the subject of active scientific research. Modern neuroscience techniques, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), allow researchers to study the real-time activity of different gyri and the connections between them. This is helping to expand our understanding of brain organization and the development of new methods for diagnosing and treating neurological and psychiatric diseases.

In conclusion, the gyri (gyri) are an important structural feature of the cerebral cortex, playing a key role in cognition and information processing. Their complex anatomy and functional connections with other brain regions make them the subject of intense neuroscience research. Understanding the role of the gyri can shed light on the mechanisms of cognition and help develop new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and mental disorders.

The gyrus is a part protruding on the surface of the cerebral cortex, which is located between two grooves. It plays an important role in information processing and decision making. Convolutions can come in different sizes and shapes, and their number may vary between individuals.

One of the most famous gyri is the hippocampal gyrus, which is located in the temporal lobe of the brain and is responsible for memory and learning. There is also the frontal gyrus, which is involved in thinking and decision-making processes.

The convolutions are important to our brain as they allow it to process information and make decisions. However, if a person has problems with the development of the gyri, this can lead to various diseases such as depression or schizophrenia.

To improve brain function and brain development, it is important to engage in physical activity, eat right and take care of your health. It is also beneficial to learn new things and expand your horizons so that your brain can process information better.

Overall, the gyrus is an important part of the brain that plays a key role in our lives. If we want to improve our memory, thinking and decision-making, then we need to take care of our health and the development of the brain.

Gyrus **Gyrus** (Latin gyrus “tubercle; rise”) is a part of the cerebral hemisphere, corresponding to the posterior part of the central gyrus and adjacent areas. Other definitions of the gyrus: a) An external protrusion towards the hemisphere or to the lateral sides of the cerebral hemispheres in the form of a ledge protruding from several sides of a certain area of ​​the entire hemisphere, an irregularly shaped protrusion or depression, a cerebral tubercle. b) Gyrus of the cerebrum in humans c) Tubercle of the cerebrum in animals. The conventional division of the cerebral cortex into symmetrical parts, known under various names: gyrus (along one depression), sulcus (along another depression).