Root Filling is the final stage of treatment of the root canal of the dental pulp, in which the prepared canal inside the tooth root is filled with an appropriate medicinal substance.
The material used to fill the root canal is usually a gutta-percha post covered with a thin layer of sealing cement. Thus, the filling material seals the canal, preventing infection from entering the root canal and periapical tissues.
Root filling is an important stage of endodontic treatment, the quality of which determines the long-term success of the entire procedure. Properly performed root canal obturation ensures the restoration and preservation of the tooth.
Root filling is the final stage of root canal treatment, in which the canal inside the tooth is filled with a medicinal substance. This is necessary to prevent further tooth decay and prevent infection.
To fill the root canal, a special material is used, which is a gutta-percha pin. Gutta-percha is an artificial material that has high strength and elasticity. The gutta-percha post is coated with a thin layer of cement, which provides a seal and protects the tooth from further infection.
A root filling can be performed either in one visit to the dentist or in several visits. It depends on the complexity of the treatment and the condition of the tooth. After filling a root canal, you must follow all the dentist’s recommendations and visit him regularly to check the condition of the tooth.
Root Filling, also known as root filling, is the final stage of treatment for root caries or pulpitis. This is done by preparing a canal inside the tooth and then filling it with a specific medicine to eliminate decay and keep the tooth healthy. The material used to fill the canal usually consists of a gutta post covered with a thin layer of cement and sometimes a root filling.
Once the prepared root canal is completely filled with a filling, it performs two important functions. The first is to strengthen and strengthen the tooth after removing the infection, the second is to prevent the recurrence of caries. These objectives are achieved through the use of medicinal materials that