Signs based on urine color

The color of urine is characterized by various shades of yellowness: straw, lemon, red, yellow-orange, fiery - such that it looks like saffron paint, that is, rich yellow, and then - saffron, similar to red - this is the color that is called “bright” red." The colors listed after lemon all indicate fiery nature; they differ depending on the degree of color density. These colors are sometimes caused by strong movements, pain, hunger, or a cessation of the substance from drinking water.

After the mentioned shades come shades of red: dark red, pink, bright red, dark red. They all indicate a predominance of blood; when the color acquires a saffron tint, it means that yellow bile predominates, and if the color turns dark red, then it means there is more blood than bile. The fiery color indicates warmth rather than red and dark red, for bile itself is hotter than blood.

The color of urinary fluid in acute and burning diseases tends to be saffron and fiery; if there is liquid urine, then this indicates some maturation, and that it has begun and has not yet appeared in the consistency of the urine. When the yellowness intensified to the limit of fieryness and acquired an extremely fiery color, it means that the warmth increased greatly - this is the bright red color of urine. And if the urine has become more transparent, then the heat is decreasing.

In acute blood diseases, people excrete urine similar to blood itself, although there is no opening of the vessels; this indicates excessive blood congestion.

If urine is released little by little and has a foul odor, this indicates danger, and you can be afraid of hemorrhage in the “place of suffocation.” Worse is urine that is thinner and has the quality and appearance of blood.

If such urine is poured out abundantly, then this sometimes serves as a good sign in acute and mixed fevers, since it is an indication of crisis and recovery, unless it is poured out first, immediately, before the time of crisis, then it gives an indication of dryness; the same thing if the urine does not gradually become liquid after the crisis.

And with jaundice, the redder the urine, until it turns black, and it stains clothes with dye that does not come off, and the more of it, the better. The fact is that if the urine with jaundice is white or only slightly red, and the jaundice continues as before, then you can be afraid of dropsy. Hunger is one of the factors that increases the color of urine and greatly enhances it.

This is followed by shades of green, such as urine, pistachio, verdigris, sky, indigo and leek. The pistachio color indicates cold, as does any color that has green in it, except the color of verdigris and leek, they indicate strong burning of urine, and the color of leek is more favorable than the color of verdigris. Urine the color of verdigris after fatigue indicates spasms.

Green urine in children indicates spasms, and sky-colored urine in most cases indicates severe cold, and is preceded by green-colored urine. It is also said to indicate the ingestion of poison. If there is a sediment, then we can hope that the patient will live, but if not, then the patient’s condition is cause for concern. Urine the color of verdigris is a clear sign of approaching death.

As for shades of black, these include saffron, turning into black, as happens with jaundice. It indicates severe thickening and burnout of yellow bile and even the formation of black bile from yellow bile, as well as jaundice. This also includes the red color, turning into black - it indicates the predominance of bloody black bile - as well as green and indigo colors, turning into black; it indicates the predominance of pure black bile. Black urine generally indicates either severe burnout, or severe cold, or the flight and death of innate warmth, or a crisis and the fact that nature is expelling excess black bile. The fact that urine was formed in the presence of burnout is concluded from the fact that the urine itself is strongly burnt out and its appearance was preceded by red and yellow urine. The sediment of burnt urine adheres to the vessel; it is not very uniform, does not resemble the dense and compact sediment of ordinary urine, and at the same time is not very black, but rather has a saffron, yellowish or reddish tint. If the sediment has a yellowish tint, this often indicates jaundice.

The fact that urine was formed due to cold is also judged by the fact that its appearance is preceded by greenish and grayish urine, and the sediment from it is small and compact, as if dried. The blackness of such urine is purer.

Cold and hot natures are sometimes distinguished as follows: if there is a strong odor with black urine, this indicates a hot nature, and if with black urine there is no odor or its strength is weak, this indicates coldness; The fact is that when the nature is very broken, urine has no smell.

Phenomena depending on the decline in innate strength are inferred from the accompanying decline and dissolution of the patient’s strength; Based on black urine, they conclude about phenomena occurring in the order of cleansing and crisis, as happens at the end of a four-day fever and with the resolution of diseases of the spleen, with pain in the back and in the uterus, with black gall fevers and damage arising from a delay in monthly cleansing and normal for a given patient bleeding from the anus, especially when the nature and nature of the work contribute to a copious outpouring of urine, as happens with women whose menstrual cleansing is delayed and nature no longer accepts excess blood. Then this is preceded by an outpouring of immature watery urine, after which the body experiences relief. Urine is poured out profusely, in large quantities.

If this is not the case, then black urine is a bad sign, especially in acute diseases, especially when the amount of urine is small; by its scarcity it is known that burnout has destroyed the moisture in the body. The thicker the urine, the worse it is; the thinner it is, the less harmful it is.

Sometimes it happens that a person urinates black or blood-red urine because he drank a drink of that color, and the person’s nature has absolutely no effect on the drink, so it comes out as it was. There is nothing dangerous about this.

Sometimes a sign of a favorable crisis in acute diseases is also the urine that the patient emits in liquid form. This state of urine is associated with various factors. Often it indicates headache, insomnia, blockage of the ear canal, mental disorder, especially if the urine flows little by little for a long time, has a pungent odor and occurs with fever, then this is a clear sign of headache and mental disorder. If insomnia, mental disorder, headache and stuffy ears occur with liquid urine, this indicates that there will be bleeding from the nose.

Such urine may be the cause of a kidney stone. Rufus said: “Black urine is beneficial for diseases of the bladder and diseases caused by thick juices. This is a fatal sign in acute diseases.” And we say: black urine can also be bad in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, when there is severe burnout. You should pay attention to other signs too.

Black urine in old people, for reasons you know, is never good and appears only in cases of great health disorder. Same. the same for women.

Black urine after fatigue indicates spasms. In general, black urine at the beginning of fevers is deadly, as is black urine at the end of a fever, unless its appearance is accompanied by relief and it is not a sign of a crisis,

When it comes to white urine, the word “white” means two things. Firstly, white is something that is liquid and transparent; after all, people sometimes call transparent white, just as they call transparent glass and clear crystal white.

Secondly, these are really white things, that is, of a color that distracts the eye, such as milk and paper. These things are not transparent and the gaze does not pass through them, for transparency is in reality the absence of any color.

White, in the sense of “transparent” urine, is generally a sign of coldness and does not give hope for maturation, and if there is thickness in it, then this indicates the presence of mucus. As for real white urine, it is only thick. This includes urine, the whiteness of which is mucous whiteness, indicating an abundance of mucus and phlegm, as well as urine, the whiteness of which is greasy, indicating the dissolution of fats. Fatty white urine indicates the presence of mucus, as well as dissolution that has already occurred or will occur; bright white urine, moreover, liquid and with pus, indicates suppurating ulcers in the urinary organs, and if it is without pus, it is because it is dominated by very raw and immature matter. Sometimes such urine occurs with a stone in the bladder.

This also includes urine that looks like semen. Sometimes this happens during a crisis with mucous tumors, if the insides are flabby, and with diseases that occur from glassy mucus. When the urine resembles semen not as a result of a crisis with mucous tumors, but, on the contrary, this happens at the beginning of the disease, then such urine portends sakta or paralysis. If the urine is white during all periods of fever, then such a fever will almost go into four days. Lead urine without sediment is very bad; milky urine is also destructive in acute diseases.

The white color of urine in acute fevers, whatever the nature of the whiteness, after the color disappears, indicates that the bile has deviated to some organ where a tumor should form, or to impending diarrhea. Most often, this indicates that the bile has deviated to the head area.

When the urine during fevers is thin and then immediately turns white, this also indicates an impending disorder of the mind. If the urine remains white in good health, this indicates a lack of urine maturity.

Oily urine, similar to olive oil, in acute fevers foretells tabes or death.

Know that urine is sometimes white when it is hot and bilious, and red when it is cold and mucous. The fact is that if bile has deviated from the path of urine and does not mix with urine, the urine remains white. Therefore, you should carefully observe white urine: if its color is bright and the sediment is abundant and thick, and the consistency is thick, then know that the whiteness comes from cold and mucus. If the color is not bright, the sediment is not abundant and does not separate, and the whiteness does not have a gray tint, then know that the whiteness occurs because the bile is hidden.

If the urine of an acute illness is white, but there are signs of health in which there is no fear of sarsam or anything of the like, then know that the acute matter has deviated to another path, and the intestines are in danger of abrasion. As for the reason that urine in cold illnesses is reddish in color, this is due to one of the following factors: either severe pain that dissolves bile, as happens with cold kulanzha, or a blockage that has arisen in the passage between the gallbladder and the intestines, from predominance of mucus, so that bile is not poured into the intestines in a natural and usual way, but is forced to accompany the urine and come out with it, this also happens with a cold kulandzh, or with weakness of the liver and insufficiency of its strength to separate aqueous humor from the blood, as this happens with dropsy and, most often, with diseases from liver weakness; then the urine looks like water in which fresh meat was washed. Or it is caused by constipation of urine caused by blockage, and occurs from a change in the color of mucus in the vessels that has undergone decay. The signs of this are that the watery part of the urine and the sediment are as mentioned above, and its color is weak and dim, whereas the color of bile urine is bright. It often happens that the urine at the beginning of the disease is white, then turns black and becomes foul-smelling, as happens with jaundice. After eating, the urine turns white and remains white until the stomach begins to digest, and then the urine begins to color; This is why the urine of people suffering from insomnia is white.

Discoloration of urine is facilitated by the dissolution of innate warmth, but the whiteness is not bright, but rather cloudy due to lack of maturity. In acute diseases, red urine is better than watery urine; White urine is also better in consistency than watery urine. Blood-red urine is safer than red-yellow urine; however, red-yellow is also not so terrible if the bile is motionless, but dangerous if the bile moves.

Red urine in kidney disease is bad; it most often indicates a hot tumor, and with pain in the head, it foreshadows a mental disorder.

When urine in acute illnesses is red from the very beginning and remains that way, without producing sediment, then one can fear death, and this indicates a tumor in the kidney. If the urine is cloudy with a red tint and remains so, this indicates a tumor in the liver and a weakness of the innate warmth.

The varieties of urine colors include complex colors. This is, for example, a color similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed, or similar to blood diluted in water. This happens from weakness of the liver, and it also happens from an abundance of blood, but most often it happens with weakness of the liver, when any of the disorders of nature has overcome. This is indicated by weakness of digestion and dissolution of strength; if the force is great, then such a color can only be due to the abundance of blood, exceeding the amount that the separating force can completely separate.

This also includes the color of olive oil, that is, yellow with a hint of beetroot. Such urine is similar to olive oil in its viscosity, transparency and oily sheen, as well as its consistency - quite thick, despite its transparency. In most cases, this coloring indicates evil and does not indicate goodness, maturity and fitness, but sometimes, in rare cases, it indicates the emptying of fatty substances in a crisis way. This only happens in cases where, after excreting such urine, you feel well. Such urine is destructive if its fatty substance is offensive, especially when it is released little by little. If something similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed is mixed with it, then it is the worst of all: this mostly happens with dropsy, consumption and malignant ulcer.

Olive urine often appears after the black urine that precedes it, and this is a favorable sign. Often olive urine on the fourth day of illness indicates that the patient will die on the seventh day, I want to say: in acute diseases.

In general, there are three types of olive urine: it is either all oily, or only on the bottom, or it is oily on top. It is either oily only in color, as in consumption, especially at the beginning, or only in consistency, or both in color and consistency at once; This happens with kidney diseases, with the full development of consumption and at the end of it.

This also includes purplish-colored urine, this urine is bad and deadly, since it indicates the fumes of both types of bile. Sometimes blackness breaks through the red color of such urine; this indicates complex fevers and fevers from thick juices. If the urine is cleaner and the black color tends to the top, this indicates pleurisy.