
Glutathione is a tripeptide consisting of the amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine ​​and glycine. It performs important functions of antioxidant protection of cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Glutathione is involved in the neutralization of peroxides and other reactive oxygen species, preventing oxidative stress. It maintains the reduced state of the thiol groups of proteins, preventing them from oxidizing. Glutathione also takes part in the regeneration of other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E.

In addition, glutathione plays an important role in the detoxification of xenobiotics and endogenous toxins in the liver. It conjugates with toxic substances, forming complexes that are then excreted from the body.

Glutathione is also involved in drug metabolism, regulation of the immune system and other processes in the body. Glutathione deficiency is associated with the development of many diseases and accelerated aging. Therefore, maintaining optimal glutathione levels is extremely important for health.

Throughout a person's life, enzymes are produced in our body, and cells are also formed and then destroyed. At the same time, cellular metabolism and the formation of endogenous enzymes are often negatively affected. Most of these contaminants are associated with hazardous compounds. These could be free radicals, heavy metals or chemicals such as pesticides or cosmetics. When toxins enter the body, they can disrupt the normal functioning of enzymes and cause fatigue, irritation and, of course, frequent illness.

Glutathione is a component of our immunity and an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. Its main component is the peptide glutathione

In recent years, there has been a growing trend around the world to use natural remedies to maintain health. More and more people are wondering how to maintain their health and improve their quality of life. One popular option for those who care about their body and want to lead a healthy lifestyle is to study glutathione.

Glutathione is an important antioxidant that plays an important role in protecting cells from free radicals and other forms of stress. It may also help boost your immune system, improve liver function, and even reduce your risk of developing certain diseases. However, despite all its benefits, glutathione has some limitations and limitations in use. So let's take a closer look at its characteristics.

What are the properties of glutathione?

Gluthiatone can be called vitamin N and E, improves blood composition, strengthens the immune system, and accelerates metabolic processes. It also has an antiviral effect and is considered the most powerful preventative against any infections. Plus, this drug suppresses the spread of cancer cells and tumor growth. It has been noticed that glutathione reduces blood sugar; after taking it, a person becomes more energetic and resilient, and sleeps better. When using glutathiones, no side effects are felt, even if the use continues for several years. The product is suitable for all age groups, with newborns and children already drinking 5 mg per day.