Empyema of the appendix

Obstruction in appendicitis - empyema is a late complication of acute appendicitis caused by the formation and gradual accumulation of a purulent cavity in the appendix. The most common cause of empyema is considered to be perforation of the appendix, combined with cystic inflammation of the tissue in the peritoneal space.

Appendiceal empyemas account for 1.5-2% of various acute diseases of the abdominal organs, of which the prevalence of appendicular empyemas is 0.6-1%. And newly emerging empyema of the appendix develops 4-8 weeks after appendectomy in every fourth patient, and after a year after surgery - in a third of patients. Newly developing appendiceal empyema is most often observed 1 year after the onset of acute appendiculation.

In some cases, repeated empyema is observed, which develops several weeks or months after the end of the acute attack, inflammation of the appendiceal stump. A formed stump can be the cause of recurrent inflammation of the processes, but as an isolated symptom, empyema is extremely rare; its main disease is chronic pancreatitis. As the appendix tissue develops