Enamel Drops

Enamel drops are a formation that occurs as a result of unsuccessful installation of dental structures such as crowns or veneers. An enamel drop is an area of ​​tooth enamel that was damaged during the procedure for installing a denture. As a result of this injury, the transparency of the enamel, as well as its color, is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of different color shades.

One of the reasons for the appearance of enamel drops is the wrong choice of material for installing dentures, namely the use of too soft materials. Also, the cause may be errors during surgery, such as improper fastening of the prosthesis or lack of sufficient treatment of the tooth surface.

Enamel drops can have different appearance and size. They can be small and unnoticeable, or they can appear as large round shapes that look rather unattractive. In addition, the color of the enamel drops can be very different from the color of the tooth enamel and surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of enamel droplets do not pose any particular health hazard and do not cause pain. However, they may seem unsightly to the patient, which can lead to psychosomatic disorders. To avoid the appearance of enamel drops, you should only contact trusted clinics that use high-quality materials and experienced specialists.