Encephalopathy Post-traumatic

Encephalopathy after internal hemorrhage, concussion - consequences of traumatic brain injury, manifested by headache, dizziness, decreased memory and attention, muscle weakness, speech impairment, emotional lability, drowsiness, etc., as well as the possible occurrence of seizures.

Post-traumatic encephalography does not have an independent nosology; various forms of complications from the central nervous system organ have independent clinical significance: cerebral arachnoiditis, cerebrovascular accident, early cerebral infarction, acute hydrocephalus due to closed head injury. Therefore, in psychiatry it is customary to consider post-traumatic encephalopathy a symptom, sign, complication of another disease, a specific disease.

Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of post-traumatic encephalopathies. The classification of the syndrome of negative effects on the brain (NSB), developed by V.I. Skvortsova (1998) and A.B. Palshin (2006), is identified as a separate form of brain pathology among disorders of cerebrovascular hemodynamics or post-ischemic brain disease, such as cerebrosclerosis of a discirculatory nature , consequences of hemorrhagic stroke, consequences of intracranial hypertension, cognitive disorders after acute cerebrovascular accident and other diseases.

Acute traumatic encephalopathy is manifested by a symptom complex nonspecific to concussions - structural