
Endodyogeny (from the Greek words endo - inside and dio - two and genea - generation), also known as internal budding, is a method of asexual reproduction in which new individuals are formed inside the mother's body from groups of cells of its tissues.

With endodiogeny, vegetative reproduction occurs due to the formation of buds, which develop inside the parent organism from certain groups of cells, for example, the cambium or pericycle. These buds separate from the mother plant and give rise to new individuals.

Endodyogeny is characteristic of many algae, fungi, lichens, as well as higher spore plants, such as horsetails, ferns, and mosses. Among flowering plants, internal budding is rare under natural conditions, but is widely used in tissue culture for vegetative propagation of valuable varieties.

Thus, endodiogeny is a form of asexual reproduction in which new individuals are formed inside the mother’s body, which ensures a rapid increase in numbers with minimal expenditure of resources.

Endodyogeny is the process of formation of new cells within existing ones. This phenomenon occurs in humans and animals, as well as in plants and bacteria. Endodiogenation can occur in various tissues and organs, for example, in the lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.

The process of endodiogenation begins with cell division. When a cell divides, it begins to grow and divide into two new cells. However, in some cases, one of the new cells may begin to grow faster than the other. This causes one of the cells to begin to grow inside another cell. This process is called endodiogenation.

Endodiogenation is an important process in the development of the organism. It allows the body to grow and develop, as well as repair damaged tissue. In addition, endodiogenation helps the body adapt to changing environmental conditions.

However, endodiogenation can also be a problem for the body. For example, if the endodiogenation process occurs too quickly, it can lead to the formation of tumors. Also, if endodiogenation occurs in tissues that should not grow, it can cause health problems.

In general, endodiogenation is a natural process that occurs in the body. However, to avoid health problems, it is necessary to monitor and control this process.