Endocarditis Warty-Ulcerative

Verrucous endocarditis, also verrucosa (lat. Endocarditis Verrucosa), which translated means “ulcerative variegated”, was previously incorrectly called septic ulcerative endocarditis, and later began to be called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (previously it was considered as a separate nosology), the cause of which is a pathogenic conditioned pathogenic flora (groups A, B and C according to the Bergman-Vaughan classification). This is an inflammatory disease that develops against the background of damage to the inner lining of the heart, usually provoked by a transient infection

Wart-ulcerative endocarditis (e.g. septic ulcerative) is called septic inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. It manifests itself in the form of suppuration and ulceration of the endocardium - the thin inner layer of the lining of the heart, lining the inside of the cavity (chamber) of the heart. The cause of the disease, like many other purulent organ lesions, is the penetration of infectious agents (bacteria) into the blood.

There are three types of endocarditis:

- serous endocarditis (pleurisy). This type of inflammation develops in a patient due to a disruption of the immune system. About