Endoscopy, Biopsy, Cytological Examination

Endoscopy, Biopsy, Cytological Examination: Key Diagnostic Methods

Endoscopy is one of the most important methods for diagnosing diseases of hollow and tubular organs, which allows you to directly examine their internal surface using special devices - endoscopes. This diagnostic method allows you to detect various pathologies in the early stages, carry out accurate differential diagnosis of diseases, and also monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

There are several types of endoscopic examinations, each of which is designed to examine a specific organ. For example, duodenoscopy is used to examine the duodenum, sigmoidoscopy for the rectum and sigmoid colon, and colonoscopy for the colon. In addition to examining the mucosa, endoscopy also allows you to take a biopsy or cytological material.

A biopsy is a procedure in which a tissue sample is removed from an organ for subsequent microscopic examination. A biopsy can be performed both during an endoscopic examination and using other methods, for example, needle biopsy, skin biopsy, etc.

Cytological examination is a microscopic examination of cells taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of an organ. Cytological examination is an important method for diagnosing many diseases, such as cancer, infections, inflammation, etc.

To perform endoscopy, special endoscopes are used, which may differ in shape and size depending on the organ being examined. Modern endoscopes have flexible fiber optic light guides that transmit images to a monitor, resulting in more accurate and detailed visualization.

However, like any medical procedure, endoscopy has its risks and limitations. Possible complications are bleeding, infection, damage to the mucous membrane of the organ. Therefore, before undergoing endoscopy, the patient must receive detailed information about the procedure and agree to it.

To summarize, we can say that endoscopy, biopsy and cytological examination are key methods for diagnosing diseases of hollow and tubular organs. Thanks to these methods, it is possible to detect diseases in the early stages, carry out accurate differential diagnosis and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. However, before undergoing these procedures, you should obtain detailed information about the risks and restrictions, and agree to undergo them only after consultation with your doctor.