Endotheliocyte Fenestrated

Fenestrated endothelial cells (EFCs) are a type of endothelial cell found in the heart. They are the basis of the barrier seal that makes up the inner lining of blood vessels. EOCs are capable of controlling blood flow and maintaining stability of blood pressure and composition in the human circulatory system.

EOC structure:

Typically, endothelial cells form double-layered blood vessel endothelium, characterized by pronounced cellular hyperplasia. They have an uneven and pectinous surface and are able to grow along blood channels and take part in reparative processes. Among other smooth muscle cells, the muscles of the lower respiratory tract are slightly inferior to them

When a blood vessel contracts, endothelial molecules are distributed evenly in the extracellular matrix between dense molecules collagen, elastins and proteoglycans. When at rest, they compress the wall of the blood tract only through a kind of bulges, which actually resemble microscopic pores. This allows blood plasma to flow through the walls of blood vessels without difficulty.

The function of EOC includes: - regulation of cell growth;

-strengthening the walls of blood capillaries and maintaining internal pressure of blood vessels;