Enema Drip (Proctoctysis)

A drip enema or proctoctysis is a medical procedure in which a small amount of liquid is injected into the patient's rectum to cleanse the intestines. This procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and is not recommended for independent use.

A drip enema may be useful in the following cases:

  1. Bowel cleansing before surgery or examination.
  2. Removing stagnant feces during constipation.
  3. Removing gases from the intestines during flatulence.
  4. Elimination of intestinal infections and other diseases.
  5. Preparing for childbirth or caesarean section.

However, it should be remembered that an enema is not a replacement for normal nutrition and regular bowel movements. It may also cause discomfort and pain when fluid is inserted into the rectum. Therefore, before performing a drip enema, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

A drip enema or proctoctis is a procedure in which a certain amount of liquid is injected into the rectum. It is not part of a conventional medical procedure, but rather refers to alternative medicine. In this article, we will look at why many doctors and alternative health experts recommend this procedure. But first, let's figure out how and why they do this