Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas?

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after HPV removal?

The content of the article:
  1. Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas?
  2. When can you start visiting the bathhouse?
  3. How to visit a bathhouse correctly

Visiting a bathhouse after removing papillomas is not a good idea, since even after the simplest procedure, you must follow certain rules for caring for the treated area. One of these is the need to exclude contact of this area with water and its vapor.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas?

Wounds after removal of papillomas

The photo shows the wound after removal of papillomas

If a person’s tumor has been eliminated with the help of folk remedies and medications, then it is quite possible to visit the bathhouse immediately after its disappearance. The only point: the virus that caused the appearance of this growth can be activated under the influence of heat. This, in turn, can lead to relapse of papilloma and new growths on the body.

Answering the question whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas, it must be said that This should absolutely not be done after removing the growth surgically., as this may result in stitches. The problem here is that they can dissolve when exposed to heat, and this can lead to slow wound healing, bleeding and even infection.

The reason for the ban on visiting the bathhouse immediately after removal of a papilloma is the resulting slowdown in the processes of eliminating redness and inflammation, as well as the possible provocation of increased itching of the skin if a person has it.

After removing the papilloma using physiotherapeutic methods, you also need to wait some time, at least 10 days, before visiting the bathhouse. If possible, it is advisable to pause until the crust formed as a result of the procedure disappears. Otherwise, under the influence of moisture, it may begin to fall off in parts when the wound has not yet fully healed.

If it is not possible to wait for the crust to disappear, then you should at least postpone visiting the bathhouse after removing the papilloma until it appears. It signals that the active healing process has begun, which means that the risk of infection is no longer as high as with an open wound.
  1. Read also: Is it possible to wash after papilloma removal?

When can I start going to the sauna after removing papillomas?

Visiting the bathhouse after removing papillomas

Ideally, it would be more correct to say that you can go to the bathhouse only after the traces of papilloma have been completely eliminated, with the exception of a small lingering scar. But even in this case, it is better to consult a dermatologist, who may advise extending the temporary restriction on bath procedures.

In order to calmly go to the bathhouse after treatment, you need to be sure that the immune system is strong enough and the body will no longer suffer from the effects of the papilloma virus. The fact is that it is in this case that it is most active, since it feels great in a humid environment.

How to properly visit the bathhouse after removing papillomas?

Applying an adhesive plaster before visiting the sauna

Having figured out whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse after removing papillomas, you must not forget that when visiting it It is recommended to cover the surgical site with a plaster. In this way, you can reduce the negative impact of moisture on the skin and prevent the premature disappearance of the protective layer. Those who, despite the ban, still want to steam immediately after removing the growth, should do exactly the same.

In the first months after papilloma removal You should not stay in the bath for more than 20-30 minutes. It is also not recommended to go there more than 1-2 times a month. Do not put sudden stress on the body and skin to avoid the appearance of new formations. Therefore, you need to start visiting this place carefully, slowly increasing the duration and frequency of bath procedures.

Naturally, only your attending physician will be able to say for sure whether you can go to the bathhouse after removal of the papilloma. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, you must contact this specialist and consult on this issue. Otherwise, there is a possibility of worsening the condition and slowing down the recovery process.

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