Retraction of the tongue

Sometimes the uvula sinks due to fever, and sometimes it sinks in the absence of fever. Retraction consists in the fact that it is pulled downwards so that it no longer returns to its place. The swallower sometimes has to press the tongue with his finger to force the food into the throat.

Treatment. If there is heat and redness, then bleed and then use the rinses mentioned in the previous paragraphs, for example, rinsing with vinegar and rose water. After this, the tongue is raised, placing roses, sandalwood, pomegranate flowers, camphor and, especially important, thickly brewed mulberry juice on an instrument similar to a bridle; this should be done as carefully as possible.

If there is no heat and redness, then rinse with sikanjubin, mustard and Nabatean murri and lift the tongue with the mentioned instrument. The medicines with which it is raised are galls and ammonia, both in grated form. The most powerful treatment is to squeeze the tongue with this instrument, lifting it up and pulling it out: in this case, astringent medications are used or mixed with dissolving ones, depending on what is necessary. Sometimes the tongue is squeezed with fingers coated, for example, with thickly brewed mulberry juice, nuts or something else. Excellent medicines for compressing the tongue include pomegranate flowers, alum, camphor, and among medicines for lifting, sukk with ammonia and galls with ammonia are excellent; The succus is more sparse if there is no damage from swelling or overflow.

When the tongue is established, they gargle with snow water over and over again. Among the remedies tested are the following: take half a rose seed, half a ritla, squeezed salsify juice, three ukiyya and boil it with honey or wine; it works more powerfully. In children, galls rubbed with vinegar sometimes lift the tongue, especially if this mixture is applied to the crown of the child.