Pod- (Pod-)

Pod- (Pod-) is a prefix denoting foot.

The prefix "under-" comes from the Greek word "pous" - foot. It is used in anatomical terminology to refer to the structures associated with or located underneath the foot.

Some examples of using the prefix "under-":

  1. Sole (plantar surface) - the lower surface of the foot.

  2. Metatarsals are the five bones of the foot located between the metatarsus and the phalanges of the toes.

  3. Subtalar joint - the joint between the talus and calcaneus.

  4. Subcutaneous fascia of the foot (plantar fascia) is a fibromuscular layer on the plantar surface of the foot.

Thus, the prefix "under-" in anatomical terms is used to designate structures located under or related to the foot.

Pod- (pod-) is a prefix denoting a foot and meaning “under someone,” “next to someone.” The prefix “pod-” gave the Russian language a wonderful figurative effect. In combination with the words “foot” or “leg”, this prefix gives the words (podkataly, tackles, subkoberiki) a gloomy meaning (katala - swindler). In the words (henpecked, half-breed) this prefix softens the negative perception of Russian speakers...

**Roll up** comes from Ch. roll - “rotating pull” someone, something, from something, shake with pushes, hit with blows. Also in the adverb as - in the meaning of “slightly rock, move.” Related words: roll up, knurling, roll, roller, roll up. Further word formation In this dictionary you will find more than 30 derivatives formed from the prefix verb “roll”, see List of derivatives from “roll”

The word according to ancient literary models.