Engla Apparatus

An Angle appliance is a tool that is used in dentistry to correct bites and straighten teeth. This device was invented in the 18th century by the American dentist Augustus Henry Eng. The Engle apparatus consists of two parts that are connected together. The first part consists of metal toothed plates that are placed on the teeth. The second part is a rubber plate that is attached to the teeth. The rubber plate provides pressure on the teeth, which leads to their alignment.

The Engle appliance is used to correct malocclusions where teeth are misaligned or crooked. It can also be used to straighten teeth if they are protruding too much from the gums. Additionally, the Angle appliance can be used to create space for dental implants.

The Engle device installation procedure takes about 60 minutes. The doctor first cleans the teeth of plaque and disinfects them. He then places the metal plates on the teeth using special tools. Next, the doctor attaches the rubber plate to the teeth using orthodontic wire.

After installing the device, the patient begins to notice changes in his smile within a few weeks. Teeth begin to straighten and become more symmetrical. The overall shape of the face and teeth also improves.

However, Engle's device has some disadvantages. Firstly, it can lead to damage to tooth enamel, especially if the patient does not follow the rules of dental care after installation