
Toolkit is a set of tools, devices, simple devices and other devices that are used to perform basic types of work. Depending on the application, the tool kit may include a variety of tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers and more.

The toolkit can be used for various purposes, for example, for construction, repair, materials processing, assembly and disassembly of mechanisms, etc. Tooling is an important element of any work process, as it allows you to perform work more efficiently and safely.

However, it must be taken into account that the tools must be of high quality and meet safety requirements. Poor quality tools can cause personal injury and equipment damage. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and regularly carry out its maintenance and repair.

In general, tools are a necessary element of any workplace and their use can increase productivity and safety.

Introduction: In the modern world, we are constantly faced with the need to use various tools and devices to perform various tasks. Tools are the foundation that allows us to perform many tasks efficiently and safely. In this article, we will look at the basic tools and accessories that are used in various fields such as construction, industry, agriculture and more.

Main types of instruments:
