Food Hygiene Doctor

A food hygiene doctor is a key specialist in ensuring food safety. He is responsible for state sanitary supervision of facilities producing and selling food products, and works in the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The tasks of a food hygiene doctor include monitoring compliance with the rules of hygiene in the production and storage of food products, as well as the quality and safety of food products. The food hygiene doctor carries out mandatory inspections of all facilities related to the production and sale of food products and issues appropriate certificates.

In addition, a food hygiene doctor provides training and consultations for food industry workers in order to increase their knowledge of hygienic standards for the production and storage of food products. He is also involved in the development and implementation of new food safety standards and control methods.

A food hygiene doctor must have special training and knowledge in the fields of chemistry, biology, microbiology, physics, as well as medicine and veterinary medicine. His work is aimed at ensuring the safety of all stages of production and sale of food products to ensure their quality and safety for consumers.

Thus, the food hygiene doctor plays an important role in ensuring food safety and public health. His competence and professionalism make it possible to guarantee the quality and safety of food products, which is the basis for a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of many nutrition-related diseases.

A food hygiene doctor is a specialist who ensures food safety in enterprises and trade organizations. This specialist carries out product quality control, performs sanitary examinations and monitors compliance with norms and regulations in the field of food production.

A sanitary doctor for hygienic assessment of food is an official of sanitary and epidemiological supervision who organizes and monitors the sanitary condition of food production and public catering facilities (at food industry facilities, bases and warehouses for storing raw materials and products). He supervises the hygiene of workers and customers, the proper storage, preparation and sale of food products.

The main task of a hygiene doctor is to ensure compliance with the quality and safety requirements of the products that people consume. That is, the main emphasis is on the selection of high-quality raw materials, gentle methods of processing them and technological regimes for the production of finished food products.

The main range of issues within the framework of the implementation of government functions includes ensuring requirements for food products, including control over the safety of all agricultural products and seafood, control in retail trade and guaranteed compliance with hygienic parameters. The doctor ensures the development of a complex and methods for monitoring the functioning of individual enterprises and organizations regarding the quality of food products, through the implementation of appropriate research and testing.

The functions of a food hygienist begin at the stage of preparing raw materials. The required quantity and quality are selected. In the future, manufacturing technology is carried out, directly starting from the correct and rational placement in a warehouse to the conditions for their transportation to a store or to production, bypassing storage conditions. It is important to consider that finished products may be subject to further processing and processing. In any case, the doctor monitors each stage. Constant monitoring, acceptance and testing of raw materials through laboratory tests and samples is carried out. Compliance with quality standards is directly related to hygiene and safety, which is a fundamental factor for inspection, approval and successful start-up.

The key goal of these employees is to do everything possible to eliminate the risk of infection from low-quality or dangerously harmful food, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the implementation of the state program as part of the function of preserving public health.