Enimax Enima

In the article: “Enimax-Enima: a drug for regular bowel movements,” we will consider basic information about the drug Enima-Enema.

Initially, we note that the most favorable option is self-regulation and participation of normal intestinal microflora in the process of peristalsis. In the vast majority of people who have the opportunity to receive nutritious food, the acidic microflora in the intestines is sufficiently developed to organize the effective functioning of the intestinal wall. And then no additional regulation or additional medication is required - without excessive stimulation there will simply be no problems with stool. However, our physiological norms are often violated by various harmful factors, such as stressful situations, poor nutrition with insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements, and certain diseases. As a result, chair regulators can help. And one of these tools is ENIMAX-ENIMA. But it should be understood that the main task