
Environment: Ecological environment and human habitat

The environment is everything that surrounds a person and affects his health, well-being and quality of life. It includes natural and man-made elements such as air, water, soil, vegetation, animals and people. The environment is of great importance for human life, as it provides him with the necessary resources for survival and development.

The human ecological environment is the part of the environment that directly affects the health and well-being of people. It includes air quality, water quality, soil quality, food availability, etc. The human ecological environment is a key factor in shaping human health and well-being.

The human habitat is that part of the environment in which a person spends most of his life. It can be natural, such as forests, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc., or artificial, such as cities, towns, industrial areas, etc. The human environment is the basis for the development of society and the economy, as well as for the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources.

Environmental protection is one of the most important tasks of modern society. It aims to preserve and improve the quality of the natural environment to ensure sustainable development and human well-being. To do this, it is necessary to take measures to reduce air, water and soil pollution, preserve biodiversity, rational use of natural resources, etc.

In conclusion, we can say that the environment is an integral part of human life. It affects our health, well-being, quality of life and social development. Therefore, environmental protection and its improvement are key tasks of modern society.

The environment is everything that surrounds a person: nature, technology, society, etc. It affects the health and well-being of our bodies and the survival of humanity as a whole. In this article, we will look at various aspects of the environment and their impact on our lives.

Plants and animals. The environment is home to various plants and animals that we use for food, food or just for entertainment. However, many plant and animal species are at risk of extinction due to climate change, air and water pollution, or overhunting.
