
Epiboly is a spontaneous, unilateral strong fusion of half the base of the tumor with one or more surfaces - most often periosteum, bone - and degeneration of the tumor. In most cases, fusion occurs as a result of the fusion of cancerous and false tumor embryos of metastases.

``` Epiboly is the proliferation of tissues or organs in the body cavity. It is one of the manifestations of the tumor process and is accompanied by the penetration of tumor cells into neighboring tissues. Most often found in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, lung, liver, breast, prostate and uterus. Epibolies can manifest themselves in the form of diffuse infiltration of the walls of a hollow organ, the formation of circular cords, tumors located inside the cavity, and tumor-like formation in the abdominal cavity. Determining the diagnosis of “epiboly” is not always correct, so a comprehensive set of studies is necessary to establish a final clinical, morphological and radiation diagnosis. Primary diagnosis in patients with epiboly includes collecting anamnesis, complaints, general examination, physical examination data, laboratory tests of urine and blood. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound, endoscopy, computed tomography or MRI. In some cases, patients undergo a biopsy of the affected area to determine the histological structure of the tumor. Treatment of epiboly depends on the extent of the process, the degree of its malignancy and the symptoms that the patient experiences. Most tumors of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated surgically; in addition, the patient may be referred to an oncologist for

Epiboly refers to the emergence of new cells or tissues from a common source that is external to it and has no natural way of merging with it. The term refers both to phenomena within the body and during normal life situations (epiboly of cancer cells in the chest leads to breast cancer; infection spreads to the leg, and epiboly spreads higher).

Epiboly in pathology is a consequence of atypical tissue growth, abnormal development of the anomaly. Epiboly is classified as a number of polyetiological processes of a malignant nature, which can manifest themselves as a primary deviation from the norm or as a consequence of an oncological lesion. An important role in the development of cancer is played by factors influencing the ability of hyperplasia and atypia to appear. In addition, the process of epiboly is associated with the state of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, disorders of water-electrolyte metabolism (hypoxy