
Epidimid is an appendage of the testis (testis). In men, it is located on the underside of the scrotal wall. It consists of convoluted tubules and vessels that enter and exit the epididymis. Epidymdyma performs an important function - the transport of sperm from the testicles after its formation in the seminiferous tubules of the testicles into the vas deferens and further into the urethra. For this purpose, sperm is temporarily stored in the posterior part of the epithelial layer of the epidymdyma in the form of spermine. In other words, epidymdymium plays a decisive role in conception, so its diseases can cause infertility. Epidesymdymos diseases, their symptoms and diagnosis

- Epidymditis, or inflammation of the epididymis. Develops against the background of orchitis, infection of the testicle itself or the vas deferens, or after injuries to the scrotum: the patient experiences severe

Epididymos: what is it?

The epididymis is an epididymis that is located in the male scrotum between the testicle and the body. Most men have one epididym, but some may have two or more. The epididymis plays an important role in sperm production and protects the testicles from damage. In this article we will look at the main functions, structure and diseases of the epididymis.

Functions of the epididymis

The maturation process of spermatozoa occurs in the epidymimas. Spermatozoa are formed in the seminiferous tubules of the testicles and then enter the epidymium. During the maturation of spermatozoa, several changes occur, which include lengthening of the flagellum, increase in volume, and acquisition of energy for fertilization of the egg. Also, substances are produced in the epididymis that enhance the ability of sperm to move.

Epidymymes also perform a protective function. They prevent testicular damage. Epidymymes produce a fluid that protects the gonads from infections and injuries. Therefore, the male body has one scrotum. The scrotum is a fold of skin that contains the testicles and epidymis. Thanks to epidymimas, it is possible to prevent the loss of testicles from the reproductive system.

Structural organization of epi