Weiss Curve

A Weiss curve is a mathematical function that is used to describe the change in temperature over time during the cooling process of a liquid or gas. It was discovered and named after the German physicist Georg Weiss in 1900.

The Weiss curve is an exponential function, which has the form:

T(t) = T0 * e^(-kt),

where T(t) is the temperature at time t, T0 is the initial temperature, k is the cooling rate coefficient, which depends on the properties of the liquid or gas and cooling conditions.

The main idea of ​​using a Weiss curve is that it allows you to describe the cooling process of liquids and gases, which usually occurs under conditions of a constant flow of heat. This makes it possible to analyze and predict temperature changes in various cooling and heating systems.

The use of the Weiss curve is widespread in industry and scientific research. For example, it is used in refrigeration engineering to calculate cooling time, cooling rate and other process parameters. The Weiss curve is also used in medicine to analyze changes in the patient’s body temperature during surgery or treatment.

Thus, the Weiss curve is an important tool for analyzing and predicting temperature changes in various cooling and heating processes, and its application in various fields of science and technology can improve the accuracy and efficiency of systems and processes.

Introduction: Weiss curve

The Weiss curve is named after the French physicist Armand de Meyheus Weiss (1852-1927), who developed it and formulated some of its properties in 1896. And we received the name “Gorweg” from the works of Bertram Rusho Jaji, who was one of the first scientists to scientifically explain