Flatbreads in Pharmacy

Currently, in Russia and other countries of the world, the requirements for the quality and safety of medicines are constantly growing. This also applies to dosage forms that are available in the form of tablets or capsules. One of the ways to improve the quality of medicines is to use food additives in their composition, such as gelatin, etc., as well as the use of special types of raw materials, for example, medicinal herbs and plants. This approach allows not only to improve the quality of medicines, but also to make them more attractive to consumers.

One of these important aspects is the use of natural ingredients in the production of dosage forms. Flatbread In Pharmacy is one of the classic methods of using plant extracts, which allows you to enhance the effect of the active components of plants and increase their absorption by the body. Flatbreads can have different shapes and contents, and are used to treat various diseases, including internal human organs.

To produce such a cake in the pharmacy, it is necessary