Vascular spots

Vascular-type spots are a skin reaction to chronic diseases. Why do vascular spots appear on the face? Spider veins occur due to dilation of subcutaneous capillaries. The cause may also be serious circulatory problems, bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking), chronic diseases or genetic predisposition.

How to improve your appearance after spider veins appear? The problem can be solved

Vascular spot

Vascular spots, or angiomas, are benign neoplasms arising from the lymphatic and blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes. They can be congenital or acquired. Congenital spots occur due to impaired vascular development in the embryonic period. Acquired angiomas are the result of injuries, cuts, bruises, scratches, and blood stagnation. According to statistics, angiomas occur in 7-10% of the population, and their frequency does not depend on gender and age. This pathology can be either congenital or acquired.