Mushrooms Imperfect

Mushrooms imperfect <без заголовка> Description Mushrooms imperfect - (deuteromyces) or imperfect mushrooms - are also mushrooms. Let’s answer the questions right away - yes, imperfect mushrooms will “fight” with all other mushrooms, yes, they cause diseases in plants and people get sick from them... although this is not directly related to them. But what can be said about this type of mushroom? Let's take a closer look at the mushroom as a source of study for our protection from dangerous types of mushrooms. To do this, we will carefully consider its biology and prevalence. According to official botany, among many types of fungi, it is the imperfect ones that are called the main pathogens of humans, plants and animals. In fact, such mushrooms are considered one of the most dangerous for all living things. The main feature is the ability to parasitize on organic compounds in plants